Do you ever notice how the sun can play tricks on you? No, not like heat exhaustion or sun poisoning or getting burnt by the sun. Those things may not look like they're happening, but they are. The sun just tricked you. But that's not what I'm talking about here.
Back to my bike now. I was riding my usual route and the sun kept going behind the clouds to give some shade. At one point, I was watching the road really closely and as I was riding, the sunlight all of sudden started coming toward me. It was like a wave of light. It was pretty sweet!
I also noticed while riding under some trees that the light would disappear and come back like a spotlight. It was pretty cool. It's like shadow puppets.
It was really cool and it was totally God.
By the way, this picture was taken in 2007 when I went to Sun Valley Indian School in Arizona on a mission trip with some people from my church. Cool picture. I wish I had, had a camera with me to get a video of the sun doing its trick on me today.
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