When I was in elementary school, I took her to show and tell once in a while. I stopped holding on to her at night after a while and then after my cat, D.C., got hit by a car when I was in 6th grade, I held on tight to her. Then eventually I let go of her until we had to put my cat, Fred, down when I was in 8th grade. Ever since then I've held on to her.
I'm not really sure why I do it and I'm really unsure of why I'm writing all this about her. She's my security blanket. When I'm away from home, I make sure she's in whatever bag I have or at least before I leave home I give her a hug and a kiss. It all might sound childish, but it's something I enjoy doing.
My security blanket or more like security bunny is part of who I am. It's part of my home. And when I have her, I feel at home no matter where I am. I'm not really sure if this was my point, but it's my improv point now.
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