I just recently finished reading two books that are along the lines of purity: Every Young Woman's Battle and Dateable. I enjoyed both of them.
I started reading Every Young Woman's Battle over the summer because I wanted to be a rebel. We were just finishing reading For Young Woman Only in Sunday school and our teacher at the time told the pastor's wife that she wanted the parents to read Every Young Woman's Battle. I didn't understand why because it's for young woman and we should be the ones reading it. So I got a copy for myself.
I got Dateable a couple weeks ago for my birthday. It has been something I have wanted to read for about a year now. It was a very entertaining book especially with all the doodles it had in it. It got me in trouble though when I brought it into Sunday school with me one week. One of the girls wondered why I was reading it if I hate that kind of stuff. She has it all wrong though. I hate discussing boys in Sunday school. Talking about purity is important, but boys on the other hand, as much as they have to do with purity, it's not worth having a whole series on how guys think. We should be learning how to save ourselves for our wedding night, not how guys think. We're females, are we expected to know how guys think? They're a mystery to us as much as we're a mystery to them. Anyways, I like reading books like Dateable, just not in Sunday school.
Well, I just lost where I was going with these two books. Oh well, I'll go on to my purity ring I guess. Um, they are good books though. I encourage anyone to pick them up and read them. I remember a few years ago, in Sunday school, we split up and the girls went to the nursery where our girl youth pastor read And The Bride Wore White. See? That's the kind of book I think we, teen girls, need to be reading. That's another good book.
My purity ring is in that picture you see. A couple years ago, I was telling my aunt that I wanted to get a purity ring. So we went out and looked at some purity rings. I saw two that I liked and come to think of it, I can't remember what the other looked like, but I chose this one and it has been on my finger since then.
My ring kinda in a way tells a story. It's a short story though. And it goes like this: the key to my heart is through Christ. Ok, not exactly a story, but it's something. And I like thinking about it this way. So boys, the key to my heart is through Christ. If you want me, you'll have to have go through Christ.
I'm not perfect, ok? I've had slips in my purity. It happens, but I'm working on it. I plan on waiting until marriage to have sex. I pray for my future husband every day and I pray that he chooses to remain abstinent as well. Guys want to marry a virgin girl, yet they don't ever seem to think we, girls, care if they are virgin or not. At least that's what I got out of the For Young Women Only book. Well, this is one girl who cares about her future husband. And I want to be a virgin marrying a virgin.
Girls, I've heard the best way not to get an STD or get pregnant is to go the road of abstinence. Who wants that much baggage anyways? In the words of Mean Girls: Don't have sex; you'll get pregnant and die!!!!
1 comment:
We're very proud of the Godly young woman you have become - keep it up, Chelsea!
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