Friday, December 26, 2008


Have you seen this show? Perhaps you haven't because it's on Mtv. My economics teacher complains about how stupid most of the stuff on Mtv is all the time. He talks about how his wife watches The Hills and likes it. She could be the exception to what I'm going to say.

I don't know where I get it from, but my generation seems to be the Mtv generation. Actually, we're more like the technology media generation and Mtv is included in there. Mtv has a ton of stupid reality shows on it. It's not really reality though. I don't see it as much anymore, but I used to see a lot of my friends watching Mtv. They may still watch it, but I just don't hear about it much anymore.

Once in a while, I flip through the channels and find something interesting to watch on Mtv. Tonight, I found Made. I've watched this show before. I am a teenager and I know what this show is unlike some adults (no offense). The name of the name is basically the definition of the show. Some kid gets picked to be made into whatever they want to be made into. Tonight I watched a softball playing, shy girl become a rock band bassist. That was interesting.

As I was watching, I was thinking about how stupid the concept of this show is. I will admit that at one point in my life, I think it was last year in fact, I wanted to be made into something different than what I am. I even went on the website and tried to sign up for the show (that was a stupid idea in the making).

I have to ask this question. Who wants to be made into something different? Last year, perhaps I did, but now I don't.

In a way, I kinda feel bad for kids that want to be changed so bad. It's like they're doing it just to prove they can. For instance, there was this one episode involving a girly girl who wanted to become a dirtbike racer or something.

I just don't like the idea of changing yourself to become something different. It's probably one reason I don't wear make-up. It's probably a reason why I am who I am. I can only be myself. I am who God created me to be and I'm happy with that.

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:13-14

I've got DNA. I'm fearfully and wonderfully made. What? It was a song from VBS this past summer.

You know, I'll bet if you go on the website for the show Made, you'll see a lot of kids who want to be made not into something particular like a rock star, but rather they want to be made pretty or beautiful or confident or outgoing. It's kinda sad, but I also realize that not everyone knows God and has a personal relationship with him and goes to church. If only they knew.

I've had issues with self-image before. I'm so ugly. Oh, it makes me so sad. I'm not popular. I have horrible teeth. My face is full of zits. I hate my life. And don't get me started on guys. I used to be so pessimistic.

Yeah, that's how I used to feel. I'm not ugly. I'm beautiful. I'm so very happy with my life. I love my life. I still have horrible teeth, but at least they're straight from head gear and braces. My face is still full of zits, but who cares. I don't really care what anyone, but God thinks about me. I'm so optimistic. I've got a sunny disposition some people say.

Gee, I really hope I don't get in trouble this time for saying what I just did about myself. I got in trouble in February for saying some things about myself. I wasn't depressed. I was simply making a point, but somehow my parents found out about this particular blog I wrote for Valentine's Day and so I kinda sorta got a lecture about it.

Oh wait, you know? I realize now why I got that lecture. By the way, in case you were wondering, I'm reading the other blog at the moment, so that's where this realization comes from. I was having some issues my junior year particularly in the beauty department. I was convinced that I didn't have outer beauty but rather inner beauty. I think I have a little of both. I was also complaining about how high school guys only look at outer beauty. They all tell me that they look at both, but I'm not convinced. As guys mature, I'm sure they also look at the girl's heart. But that's a slow process. As I've stated so many times, I've given up on high school guys, so whatever.

I like to look at myself in the mirror. I laugh at myself in the mirror because I love to see my smile. I'm so pretty. I can't get over that fact. I wish more people felt the way I feel. This nation seems to have problems with self-image. We look at celebrities and want to be just like them. Even young kids want to be like the celebrities.

I'm so tired of people worshiping celebrities. Were we made in the celebrities image, in their likeness? Were they the ones who made us? NO! Who made us in His image, in His likeness. God! God did.

We should all be trying to be like God, not celebrities like Brad Pitt and Britney Spears.

I don't want to be Made into something by someone who thinks they know what they're doing like the coaches on the show. I was made by God and I believe He made me this way for a reason. I also know that He knows absolutely everything about me and He loves me exactly the way I am.

Don't be made by celebrities; be made by God.

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