Monday, December 29, 2008

Thank you for smoking

Have you seen this movie? I have only seen parts of it. I'm not really that interested in seeing it either. Of the parts I've watched, it didn't really make sense to me.

Thank you for smoking. Thank you for killing me. Secondhand smoke is pretty bad in it's own right. Every day we make choices and sometimes those choices have negative externalities for everyone. Smoking is one of those choices.

I don't smoke, but a lot of people in my family do. I have aunts and uncles and cousins who all smoke. I don't plan on ever smoking. It's a dirty habit.

I hate being around smokers. I don't have asthma, but I have a psychological thing where I feel like I'm choking if I'm around them. When I was a little kid, the smoke didn't bother me and I kinda liked the smell, but now I can't stand it.

My dad has always been worried about my brother and I. Why? Well he started smoking when he was a teenager. He didn't quit until after my brother was born. He worries that I have an increased chance of starting that habit.

A few weeks ago, my cousin said something to a friend of the family about smoking that just kinda made me mad. She said that maybe smoking was bad for him, but it wasn't bad for her. Uh, are you stupid or something? I shouldn't call my cousin that and I'm not. Smoking is bad for everyone.

It's a dirty habit. I don't understand why people start it. It's addictive and just bad.

I can't stand the thought of starting such a habit. I have better values than that. I tell my dad that, but I still worry about my brother and I'm sure he does too.

Smoking is one of those things like drinking that I plan to stay away from. There are a ton of teens and adults who do it and they're destroying their bodies. They shouldn't because our bodies are special. They were bought with a price.

You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:20

I plan on keeping my lungs and liver pure as well as everything else. It's kinda hard though when you live in a world full of air pollution and garbage.

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