Pick Up...it's God calling | Dec 17 2006 9:54 PM
I'm a youth pastor at a church in Chelsea, Michigan and in the past year that I have been there, I have grown to love each and every student in the ministry there.
Last week I had to do something that was very difficult for me to do; I had to sit down and explain to these kids that I love so much that I may be resigning my position at the church to accept a full-time position in Virginia. It is so hard to know that God is calling you away from the people you know and love; from family-because that's what these students and their families are to Lindsay and I.
I pray that God would heal the hurt and the pain that comes with this calling and that He would do a work in our lives and use this for HIS glory.
Just in case you're wondering, I didn't write this. I stole it from my old youth pastor's blog on Battlecry, but this has been on my mind all week and I've finally gotten around to writing it.
Earlier this week, a friend wrote on my Facebook wall telling me to start a countdown. Why might you ask? Our old youth pastors, one of whom wrote the above, are moving back to Michigan this Sunday. But why are we counting down? They aren't coming back here, so why are we celebrating?
Are we celebrating because they'll no longer be 8 hours away? I'm sorry, but I can't count down. The thought of counting down just brings sad images to my mind. Why? Well I was with Matt and Lindsay just two weeks ago. I was there when their pastor told the entire church they were leaving. I know a few of their teens who are going to be really upset. Actually, those teens are really upset.
My heart aches for them. I know exactly how they're feeling. I feel like my friend doesn't understand that. I'm still hurt by them leaving, but I knew it was God's call and their time to go. I pray the same thing that Matt once prayed for us at my church. I pray that God would heal the hurt and the pain that comes with this calling.
Like I said, I'm still hurting by it. I have kept in touch as you can tell though. I hope and pray that some of their teens do the same thing. I am proof that healing takes time. It has been 2 years since they left my church and I still miss them even though I talk to them all the time.
The thing that probably keeps me going the most (wow that kinda sounds like I'm constantly depressed and suicidal, but I'm not) is that I know that I will see them again. I don't know when or where, but I will definitely see them again. I have visited them twice and they have come to visit us too. I also know that someday we'll all meet again in Heaven.
Sometimes it's hard to move at the sound of God's call, but remember what Jeremiah 29:11 tells us.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Sometimes it's hard for those affected by the move. You're not the only one who is dealing hurt when you get called elsewhere. But God has promised that His plans won't hurt us.
I know what I said about being hurt and everything. But in the end, I know it was better for Matt and Lindsay to move. I don't know why it was better, but it was. God has plans for all of us that we should definitely follow. He knows what's right for us, so we should stop being so stubborn and listen to His call. It is His way or the highway. Which do you choose?
Please be in prayer for my old youth pastors, Matt and Lindsay, as they make the journey back to Michigan this coming Sunday.