Ruth | Feb 11 2007 9:26 PM
What's the book after Deuteronomy? Joshua? That's what I thought. Well, we went to Ruth a week or two early. My aunt has been in town for the past week and today she preached at my church on the book of Ruth. Ruth was a good woman. She stayed with Naomi and pretty much witnessed to Naomi. So, today I'm wondering who is your Ruth? Are you a Ruth? Anyone can be a Ruth; children, pastors, teens, friends, etc. Just as you are a priest, you can be a Ruth if you just try. Good thoughts Aunt Ann.
Guess what? I actually kinda sorta listened in Sunday school today, but I can't really remember anything because I'm about to fall asleep right now. We did get through all of the lessons though that we thought we wouldn't get through. Oh wait, I learned the difference between epistles and letters. Letters are private and epistles are public. Tell me if I have that switched because my mind is all over right now.
Church was busy today. The youth group had "secret missions" most of the time. We were either signing the scrapbook for our youth pastors or plotting the party that we were having after the potluck at church.
So, we basically blindfolded them and sent them on a car ride with one of the guys while we decorated. We had them walk through the church door, which was covered by streamers. Then they took off the blindfolds and the church wasn't decorated extravagantly, but it was decorated with all sorts of streamers. And then we brought out the book. Book, you say? What book could I be talking about? The Bible? No, it wasn't the Bible. Then what could it possibly be? We made them a scrapbook and the cover is pretty funny. We looked at it with them for awhile and then we had ice cream and watched a movie while playing cards kinda sorta. I wasn't exactly. I was talking to one of my youth pastors with my friend. It was fun until the end when they had to leave and we prayed and had a group hug, which reminded me of the saran wrap at the 30-hour famine. It was a pretty good day. There were even some tears shed, but not by me. At least not yet.
I'm a little depressed now, but I know it's all going to be alright and I still have boring history homework. I'm not saying that history is boring exactly, but what we have been learning about is really boring. Personally, I'd rather be doing what we had been doing in Sunday school in history class than what we are doing because you know what? The new testament is pretty interesting. Oh, I kinda remember now too. We did talk about the theories of the book of Revelation. Has the end occurred yet? Are we a new earth? How would you describe a helicopter that you saw in a vision when you didn't know what a helicopter was in your own time period? A locust maybe? May God bless you all.
As you may be able to tell, I wrote 2 years ago. Well it will be 2 years on Wednesday. But close enough because this is the Sunday. I figure I'll write this now since I won't be here next week.
Next Sunday marks 2 years that we've gone without a youth pastor. We were talking about that in Sunday school today actually. I was with the girls and I've realized that I really miss that class. I'm thinking about starting to go back. Our teacher was talking about how she's been teaching the class for around 2 years now. But I said it wouldn't be 2 years until next week. Then our teacher's sister and the pastor's wife, said to just ask me because I know everything that goes on with Matt and Lindsay, our old youth pastors.
I thought that was kinda funny. It's almost as if they think I'm obsessed. Well I'm here to tell you that I'm not obsessed. I remember the days we had with Matt and Lindsay because they were good days when the youth group actually wanted to do stuff. Plus I remember the most random things. While I can't remember what I did in school last week, I can remember what we did at our 30 Hour Famine 2 years ago pretty well. I sorta have short term memory loss though. That's just a little joke though. I haven't really been diagnosed with it...yet. Just kidding.
I'm also pretty good at remembering random dates. Some of my friends find it scary when I remember when their birthdays are. Is there something wrong with that? I didn't know there was.
You know how I said I wasn't gonna be here next week? Well I meant next Sunday. I'm actually going to visit Matt and Lindsay. Not only does next week mark our 2 years without a youth pastor, it's Matt and Lindsay's 2 year mark at their church. It will be a miracle if I do what I did during the summer and not talk about Matt and Lindsay non-stop for two months. No one in my youth group really cares to hear my stories and one guy asked me what my summer highlight was. I mentioned visiting Matt and Lindsay and he said he could tell because I couldn't stop talking about them. Not true. I totally didn't talk about them that much. I mentioned it here and there.
I always seem to get depressed right around now. Well ok, it was more like a few weeks ago when I usually start getting depressed because I remember all the dates when things happened 2 years ago. And I just get sad and start missing people. But this Sunday, I'm really thinking about the last Sunday with the youth pastors. It's just automatic like that with the dates.
And no, I'm not obsessed.
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