Sunday, February 22, 2009

Group Unity

This morning before going off to babysit, I was thinking (as usual) about something. I was thinking about the idea of being united, of being together.

This thought came to me as I sat eating breakfast. Yes, it is about my youth group just in case you were wondering.

I already know we have a problem with being united. Everyone goes their separate ways all the time. I want to know what happened to our union. This idea probably stuck out to me the most today because of two events that were happening tonight. One was Showcase, which one of the pastor's kids was in and her family I imagine was going to that. The second was a bonfire that one of the guys was having at his house (it didn't end up happening though). He wanted to have a bonfire and get together with some of the youth group.

Whatever happened to us going to things in support of our fellow youth group pals? Last year, we went to Annie altogether as a youth group to watch the pastor's daughter play the lead role. We used to go to football games together too. What I mean by that is the people who aren't in marching band went to the games to watch and support us in the marching band.

We used to do a lot of things together when we had a youth pastor. What happened after the youth pastor moved? Why are we so distant from each other? Why don't we want to go support our fellow youth group friends anymore? Did our togetherness leave with the youth pastor? Were we only going to things because we were being encouraged to do it?

I also thought about our so called "Mission of Spirituality." I have it hanging on my wall, but to be completely honest, I'm too lazy to type it all out because it's so long. It's about a page long. Should a mission statement really be that long? If you want to check it out, go to

But I was also thinking about the church's mission statement. This one I can actually write down because it's short, sweet, and to the point.

Growing, serving, reaching together as followers of Jesus Christ.

See? I like this mission statement a lot. I was actually thinking that the youth group might as well adopt this mission statement. I mean we kinda have already because it's our church's mission statement, but it's just perfectly to the point.

Growing together. Some of us older teens have been together since the start of this church. I came in a little late about 4 years after some of the kids, but we've been together through thick and thin. One thing my pastor said this week that has really stuck with me is that our youth group is like our own little peer group. And quite honestly, we have been together so long that we kinda treat each other like siblings.

Where have we lost our group unity? When did we lose it? We no longer seem to support our friends. Lately, I haven't seen many going to watch others perform at concerts or shows or games.

You know the one problem with us adopting our church's mission statement is that we don't appear to be altogether. Of course, then again no one wants to do anything. Here comes my pessimistic side. No one cares. Let me say it again. NO ONE CARES! I'm thinking that if I say that enough to myself, maybe it will penetrate my thick skull and I will finally come to the conclusion that I don't care either. Until then, I'll just keep thinking my thoughts and dreaming of unity.

I wish we had unity. We haven't for a while now. I don't even know how long it's been. When did we all grow up and away from youth group. I think I have to share another blog from Battlecry that I wrote 2 years ago.

No one cares | Feb 23 2007 11:25 PM

I almost don't want to be writing this blog, but it's been on my mind a lot lately, so let me apologize to a couple people right now. Any people from my church, let me apologize and please don't take this the wrong way.

Harsh words, huh? No one cares? People care, but sometimes I wonder. Have you ever felt like you were a nuisance to other people or groups of people? Have you ever felt like no one cares one bit about what you're saying? Well, I have. At school, it seems like teachers don't really care about what you're telling them. They say that they want to know what's going on with you, but then they don't really listen to you. That's them not really caring about what you're saying.

I guess I have somewhat of a problem with my church in that way too. It just seems like us teens are somewhat of a nuisance to the adults right now because of all the transitions that we are going through right now. I don't want any of you to take that the wrong way. They want what's best for us, but sometimes, it seems as if they don't exactly know what's best and so they seem as if they don't care about us as much. I know they care about us, but sometimes I feel like we're just a bother. It's like why bother with those teens?

Why bother with us? Well, a couple reasons to bother with us. We are the next generation and you know what? This generation needs some serious help. People say that we are the future, but not really. The future is now and we are now, so in a way we are the future, but not exactly in 10 years because then there will be a new generation around.

Yes, people care, but sometimes, it feels like they don't care at all. They might ignore you or seem interested when in reality they could care less. I had that happen a couple of times tonight. Or at least, it seemed like it happened. I could have just been speaking too quietly or they could have been really interested, but whatever it was, they didn't seem like they cared. Sometimes people only care about themselves. Well, I know someone who cares for all of us and so do you or at least I hope you know who I'm speaking of. God cares. God knows that our generation needs help. God knows and cares for us. We are His children.

I had to share that because of one part that I was rereading. The third paragraph talking about church. I don't think the teens are so much the nuisance anymore because like I've said already a ton, they don't care. They stopped caring. I think I'm the nuisance. I'm not trying to be a nuisance I promise, I just think we could do things better as John Reuben would put it. I'm the nuisance because I do care.

The idea of not caring kinda scares me. I say that I don't care all the time with little decisions. But the idea of me not caring about something I look forward to every week just scares me. I can't think about it. Geez, this is not where I expected to go with this blog, sorry.

Ok, back to unity. Actually this whole idea of caring does fit with this. Because no one cares, we all fall apart. We're not stable because they don't care if we fall apart. My youth group doesn't seem to care if we're together or not.

I just want some unity. I want us to come together as one group in brotherly and sisterly love.

Right now I suppose all I can do is pray and dream about unity and not let the pessimistic atmosphere get to me.

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