Thursday, April 2, 2009

Just ok?

How are you doing today?

Not well.

Oh that's good.

Have you ever had a conversation like this? I have. I have had many conversations. This is what my old youth pastor Matt called the "ok" situation. Well, ok, the conversation more so would go like this for being ok.

How are you doing today?

I'm ok.

That's good.

Does anyone take the time to see what deep, dark, miserable things could be in our hearts? Do they even care? I often ask myself that question. I had a similar situation today that got me thinking about this.

I'm not mad at my friend for doing this, but I find the conversation interesting. It went a little like this:

What's going on?

Not a whole lot.

What did you do today?

Nothing, which was kinda nice.


Ok, so back to this. Why is the fact that I did nothing cool? I don't understand that. I have a tendency all because of this one lesson that Matt did (thanks a lot Matt) to ask people if they're just ok.

It could be some compassion in my heart. I'm not sure. Whenever I hear someone say they're ok, I have to ask if they're just ok or if they're good. Usually they change their mind after that. Some also tell me what's going on.

I'm a talker I will admit to it. But some of my friends have told me that I'm a good listener. I guess that comes from my exhortation spiritual gift. You can definitely count on me to listen to you and give suggestions. As much as I like to talk, I think being a good listener is better.

Also ever since we had that lesson (once again thanks a lot Matt), I can't just say that I'm ok. I think I fear that someone will ask if I'm just ok. But then they never do. I usually say I'm good, but that could work the same way as ok.

The word "ok" seems to be the middle word. It's between "I'm good" and "I'm bad."

Are you in the middle? Are you just ok? Don't make me get started on being "ok."

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