I've been thinking a lot today about honesty. And I'm wondering, is it possible to be too honest?
I'm a real law abiding citizen. I don't break the law. I don't break rules. I don't even like the idea of breaking rules or laws. And I'm a super honest person.
Take my English class for example. I got the bonus question on a quiz wrong, but my teacher marked it as correct. When I got that quiz back, I started complaining about it and she asked why I was complaining. So I told her I got that point and I didn't deserve it, so you know what she did? She just let me keep the point.
Sometimes I feel like I'm too honest for my own good. I told my friend David the other day to be careful what he says because he may never know who is paying the most attention to the little details he mentions in conversations. I have learned this lesson this week too. I have got to be more careful about what I set my Twitter status as because who knows who could be paying attention to it.
Yesterday, I was mad at myself for being way too honest about how I was feeling and making myself feel bad about a blog I wrote the other day. Then I got asked why I was feeling the way I was feeling. And I couldn't just say I was ranting about youth group. I had to be my completely honest self and tell how I was feeling, which made me feel worse when I had someone read the blog. Why? Because that blog is full of my complete honesty of how I've been feeling (that kinda sounds really selfish to me right now, sorry) and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings.
Probably the number one reason, I hide feelings is because I don't want to hurt people. I fear hurting people's feelings. That is the truth.
Sometimes I really hate being too honest, but I can't help it. I guess it's just one of those things I have a knack for. And it's so annoying sometimes.
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