I belong to a few teams. But they're not sports teams. Well I guess we could have a sports team within this team if we really wanted to. There used to be a softball team in summer some of us participated in. But no, we're not specifically a sports team.
So today, I wasn't celebrating my favorite sports' teams. I was celebrating the team I'm in. I was celebrating my church's team. That's the team I'm in.
Today at church we had Team Day. Now what exactly is team day? It's when we present all of our ministries that we have at the church and ask people to join.
There is no I in team (a popular saying), but there is a me (that's an add-on right there). There may be a me, but as I was thinking during the sermon, there is also a mate. You can't be a team by yourself. You have to have at least one other person I would think.
But being in a church, I think we should have more than just two members to a team. We need to come together for a bigger cause.
The other team I'm on within the church is the youth group team. Yeah youth group!!!! You gotta have teamwork to be in youth group I would think.
Take this for instance, next week, the youth group at my church is having their 30 Hour Famine. Our youth leader challenged us to raise $500. For every dollar we raise, we get a foot of duct tape. Can you see where this is going? We're also gonna take a pole and with this pole and duct tape, we're going to tape our youth leader to it. Then we're going to throw stuff at him like pie or something. So yeah, we have a team of people raising money not only to feed hungry children (because that's where the money goes), but also to get to $500, so they have payback or revenge on the youth leader. It will be an interesting weekend.
A few weeks back, our pastor asked the teens to come up with some ways to show the congregation team day. So two guys came up with a song and that's where the first words of this blog come from. They made a video and showed it for a few weeks. It's pretty funny.
And my picture, is of something I got for going to church today. That's right, I got a cup. But not just any cup, a cup with my church's name, logo, and mission statement on it.
Growing, serving, reaching together as followers of Jesus Christ.
Yeah, we definitely can't do that by ourselves. We need a team. I'm glad to belong in my church's team!
Great post.
Can I send in a donation along with something to have you throw at JJ? haha. How about... split pea soup?
Great fundraising idea though.. we use a similar type of thing for VBS last year (winning team got to pie me)... it worked great.
It's awesome how you love doing stuff like that, with your church. You must be really...creative, to think of...what's in called? The word so you think of things like 'Jennga' or 'mate' in team. Is it analogies or something? Lol, anyway, u rok :P Keep writing these awesome posts =)
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