Well I went to church this morning and played piano, but that really has nothing to do with this big day.
I got to my school and had to hang around in the auditorium with the rest of my class for a while. We got our class flower, the sunflower. Then we had to get out of there and into the gym.
I really enjoyed both of our student speakers. The first said a lot of stuff I had thought about a lot throughout the years. My class has gone through so much. We were the last class to have 6th grade at the middle school, last to know what semesters are really like, first to have the new principal, and a whole lot of other things that I can't think of right now.
Our other speaker talked about going into a 3rd grade classroom and she actually recorded some of the things the kids want to be when they grow up. It made me think back to what I wanted to be when I was that age. For as long as I could remember, I've wanted to be a veterinarian, but now that I've grown up a bit, I've realized all that gross stuff is not my strong point. English is my strong point.
I didn't get really nervous about getting on stage to receive my diploma until my name was called. And up onto the platform I went where my pastor (who is on the school board by the way) was waiting to hand me my diploma. I got a "good job kiddo" from him. And I gave the most awkward smile at the camera. Oh well. At least I didn't trip across the stage. I was fearing that because my shoes were slipping off.
After graduation, I hung around with friends at school taking pictures and stuff. And that picture I have here is actually of me and my best friend. She graduated last year from my school. I was looking for a teacher that I might be writing about in the next few days some time, but I couldn't find her, which made me a little sad, but right now I'm actually pretty content.
We had dinner at my aunt's house tonight. I was already really tired and not looking forward to spending more time with family. After all I will be spending my graduation party there next weekend. I was falling asleep. I still am and probably should go to bed, but I'm on summer break, so I'm not really that concerned I guess.
I'm still kinda shocked. I've been crying about this whole thing the last 3 days, but today I don't feel like crying. I almost cried at graduation, but I refused to let it go too far during graduation. I won't be surprised if I cry in the next few days. I'm slowly getting through all of this. Ok, wait, actually now I think I feel like crying. I told my friend that I think I might be trying to set a world record or my own personal record for how many days in a row I can cry. I feel like crying, yes, but I have a feeling, tonight I just won't. This doesn't make sense, but that idea kinda makes me want to cry. Crying about crying, that really shouldn't make much sense to you. It's ok, I'm just weird like that.
Did that really just happen though? I just graduated today. That's a really scary thought to me. I feel like I've been so sheltered throughout my 13 years of schooling. And actually we are rather sheltered in my opinion. Some of us have to get jobs, but we're not in the real world just yet. And there's so much drama in high school. Now I feel freer and that just kinda scares me a whole lot more.
Did that really just happen? I feel like I'm dreaming. I didn't think this would ever happen. I didn't think I would get to this point in my life. As one of the speakers put it today, we always thought this year and infinity were the same thing. Yeah, I didn't think this day would ever come. And when it started edging closer and closer during my last trimester of high school, I wished it wouldn't come. It was inevitable though. It had to happen I know that.
1 comment:
Hey Chelsea,
First of all -- congratulations. Lots of teens don't even finish high school!
Second of all -- I'm praying for you. Always.
xox emii
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