Let me start with Friday. It was the last day of school for the underclassmen. Let me say that many of them were shocked to see me there. I had a real reason for being in school that day. I had to drop off scholarship stuff, but also I wanted to see my band teacher to give him a senior picture and visit my practical law teacher, Ms. Hepner, on her last day of school. First hour, I just hung out in the band room with another kid I graduated with. He had nothing better to do that morning either, so we just hung out. Then second hour, I think I surprised Hepner when I walked into her room. We had cake and pop. And basically we had fun bothering our teacher on her last day. And I guess they decorated her car 10 minutes before school started. They were watching to see when she would pull in and then she wouldn't get out of her car because she was talking on the phone to someone, so they had to wait. She got flowers too. It was a good morning.
On Saturday, I had to finish up most of my poster boards. I had also made a few movies in the middle of the night when I was really slap happy. I went to my friend Chris' party with my friend David and then we headed out to my party to set things up. After parking at my Aunt Ann's house, my Aunt Theresa drove in and when she saw David, it got kinda awkward. David got out of the car and stood by another friend, JJ to help unload stuff. My Aunt Theresa says to me, "Who is this? Chelsea, do you need to tell me something?" Um, this is my friend David. Hello? Awkward! She totally thought something was going on between us. Gross, I've known David so long that he's like another brother to me. I think she was a little tipsy though.
There was a good turnout of people at my party. My band teacher stopped by for a little bit. My practical law teacher stopped by too. I got to meet her fiance (or however it's spelled). I showed them and my friend Becca a video I made in the middle of the night talking about how I'm suing my friend Becca. If you've read my practical law blog, you'll understand that a little more. It was very entertaining to make.
Later some friends and I were sitting at a table and they started throwing nuts at me. They were all trying to get them in my mouth. I had to get up though, and went to talk to some other people. When I was talking to some other friends, I felt something in my shirt, so I started shaking it out and two raisins fell out. I just glared at my friends and let them know that I was watching them. At the end of the night, some friends from youth group decided to play the Ha game in my aunt's basement. It was really funny.
My friend Chris' dad kept taking candid pictures that night and the funny ones were when the church kids were drinking out of beer bottles because I couldn't get a keg. Don't worry I'm talking about rootbeer here because we had rootbeer floats.
But I did have some issues with drunk cousins. Two of my cousins just turned 21 last Wednesday and it was the goal of some of my other cousins to get one of them hammered on Saturday. Really? Really? For my graduation party? Sometimes I really don't like my family for all the drinking they do. It's just something you gotta understand about my family. They drink and drink and drink. I know what I am and that means when I turn 21 I'll be drinking too, but forget them, I'm gonna break this tradition real fast. I don't plan on drinking ever.
Yesterday I had no desire whatsoever to get up for church, but somehow I managed. I had to get up and play piano. Now usually I have a really serious face when I'm playing piano, but I managed during church to smile a few times. I was actually having fun playing. I might consider playing piano for church again.
In the afternoon, I went to my friend Amanda's graduation party. It was fun for the time that I was there. But then I had to go to my grandpa's 80th Birthday party. It wasn't nearly as fun as Saturday and I ate way too much yesterday. My cousin Brian was once again getting a bit tipsy. I really don't like when my family does this. So annoying.
I had a really great weekend. I woke up yesterday morning feeling that it was really over. And I got a little depressed over that. Not throwing a pity party though, so don't feel bad for me. I don't know how to explain this in a way that would make sense to most people how I'm feeling. It feels like the day after we had our going away party for our old youth pastors, Matt and Lindsay. Or the day after their wedding. It's one of those, it's over moments and now I guess I have to move on. I know this depression like all the ones before it will pass. It just takes time.
thats a lot of parties! hey, do you have an email address? because i could invite you to my privet blog with ur email address.
Hey Chelsea,
Life moves pretty fast, doesn't it? When I first started reading your blog, you were talking about how you were kinda scared about graduating. Now, a couple of months later -- here you are...
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