Sunday, June 28, 2009

Parents Pride

You know I've been thinking about this for a while now. Actually ever since I was about to graduate, I've been thinking about it.

Parents have this thing about their kids. I'm actually old enough to realize this and understand it a bit more. I've even talked to my dad about this.

Parents have this pride thing about their kids. Your parents may say they're proud of you and hey, I'm sure they are. My parents are proud of me for all that I've accomplished.

What really bugs me though is when parents boast about their kids to other parents.

I can give you one example of that, that my dad told me about.

He was talking to some parents of a girl I used to be quite close to, but not so much anymore. My dad mentioned how I've grown up a lot and how mature I've become and stuff. Then the parents of this girl said well so and so has been mature for a long time.

Too much pride there? I kinda think so. Growing up this girl, I don't think she's anymore mature than I am frankly. Who knows, maybe she's just that mature around her parents and family. I didn't see a lot of maturity in high school.

I don't think what my dad said was wrong at all. He was just mentioning how much I have grown up over the four years in high school, but this one girl's parents, it just bugs me what they said about their daughter.

What makes their daughter any better than me?

My kid is better than your kid. Please don't be so snooty with your kids. They're living beings, not inanimate, material objects to obsess over. Not that you should obsess over inanimate, material objects either.

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