Tonight was a significant night at youth group because it was the seniors last Wednesday night gathering. That makes me so sad.
Real quick though. In my picture that's about how many kids we had when we joined. That picture was taken in Arizona at Sun Valley Indian School, which is like our second home. The girl in front is actually graduating next year. But the three behind her, are all seniors this year. And the last boy standing to the side doesn't come to my church. That was taken when us seniors were in 6th grade.
Tonight we did the usual. Ok, what is usual? Well we played a game, which was charades. The charades were of things we had done this past year like the Christmas program we helped with and the fun games we played.
Then we had a serious talk, but it was a short talk. It was the parable of the 10 virgins. It was short, sweet, and to the point I guess.
At the beginning of youth group, our pastor wanted us to think about two questions. One was only for the seniors and the other was for both groups. The senior question was, what would you like to tell the younger kids in youth group? And the other question was, what was your favorite part of youth group this year?
So at the end of our serious talk, we talked about what we most enjoyed during the year. There were lots of things. I enjoyed this game or that game. A lot of kids enjoyed the 30 Hour Famine. It was great hearing what these kids enjoyed.
Then our pastor asked us to all act mature for a bit and be quiet to listen to what the seniors had to say. The first person to answer the question was our pastor's daughter. She talked about being the start of the youth group because she's been here since the start and she's going to miss everyone, but she was glad everyone came this year and made it her best year yet. And she also wants everyone to keep coming.
I went next. I basically talked about the same thing. I have been in this youth group for 9 years and I was there near the start, but I wasn't with the start. My joke was that I had to deal with the pastor's daughter for so long, but she knew I was kidding. My advice to them, was to take advantage of the time they have with youth group. They say it in high school all the time to the underclassmen because high school will fly by. Wait, yesterday I was a freshman, what happened?
The pastor stopped us then to explain one thing. The pastor's daughter and I are different in why we go to church. Some of us have to go to church and complain about it. But some of us don't have to go. I was never forced to go to this church. Ok, one time for Vacation Bible School, but that's it and after that I just wanted to go. So in my youth group there are kids who may be forced, but there are also kids who know what that's like. There are also kids who may just choose to go and there are kids like me who also choose to just come.
Mostly the conversation of all of us seniors talked about staying active in youth group because it's the best group to be in, in high school. And take advantage of the time you have with these people.
I didn't start crying until our one junior, the pastor's other daughter, thanked the seniors on behalf of the entire youth group. She just thanked us for being who we were. But before she could thank us, she started crying. At that point, I also had tears in my eyes. She ran out of the room and then there was a line of crying going on. But then my friend sitting next me said something funny and I started laughing, but I was still crying. Then I couldn't control myself and it was a laughing/crying fit. It was so emotional. I think I might cry again.
After our sentimental stuff, we had some treats. It was a great way to end youth group for the summer. I'm now beginning to realize that this is really it. And I don't want to say that it's breaking my heart, but it kinda is. This youth group is all I've known for the longest time. I mean I have a life besides youth group, but youth group is always the highlight of my week. It keeps me sane.
You know some of these kids will never know what being in a 5 person youth group is like. It's small that's for sure. I'm so thankful for the time I've gotten to spend with my youth group wherever we've been. I've especially liked getting on the teens cases who don't always come to youth group every week. I just want everyone to go youth group I guess or else I ask what's going on that they can't come. I'm so thankful for being in a youth group that cares so much about everyone. I'm thankful for the friends I've gotten in youth group. I hope the youth group continues to grow and flourish.
You know that's the other thing I've been thinking a lot about today. Not the whole growing thing exactly, but 5 years from now, what will that be like? I had to fill out a survey for my band class today and my teacher asked where I would like to be in 5 years. You don't know this about me or youth group, but some time in the fall, we did a time capsule thing that our youth leader said he would give us back our stuff in 5-10 years. Who knows where we'll be then? Well God does, but it takes time for us to learn where we're going.
But yeah, I've just been thinking a lot about where I'll be in 5 years and where the youth group will be. I just hope I can come back and visit from time to time. I'm not going that far away. Next year is going to be so different. I'm not sure if I'm ready for this change. Part of me I know is, but the other part, doesn't want to leave.
Reality sure is kicking in. I have one more day of school for this week and actually I only have 9 more days of school left. Wow, I wasn't meaning to go with the 9's tonight. Guess it was just convenient. Oh, but I'm happy because my pastor is on the school board and he'll hopefully be handing me my diploma.
I'm still sad about youth group though. I know I'll get through it, but it hurts for now. All you young people, listen up, don't waste your time. Time goes faster than you think. And usually faster when you're having fun.
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