Is it just me or is my school trying to be really good this year? No, it's not the students or the staff. The students could obviously care less. The staff, I'm sure, they're ok with how our school looks. But our principal seems to have a plan.
I'm not trying to get down on her at all. I'm just giving my farewell opinion since I won't be here next year.
There have been a lot of new rules and regulations put in since we got this new principal. I'm sorry, but in a way, it's kinda unfair to my class to have to graduate with a principal that was assistant principal for so long, but I don't know that she knows that much about us.
I don't know if this is really a new rule or anything, but our tornado drills are ridiculous. What are we, 3rd graders? Do they not realize how uncomfortable it is to get on our knees with our hands over our heads against a wall for how ever long they expect us to sit there.
One of our new assistant principals, who absolutely terrifies me, seems to be running these things. Actually both of the assistant principals scare me. The first scares me because back in October I got interrogated by him and I haven't gotten over that episode yet. And I'm not even a trouble maker. The second guy I haven't even dealt with, but he's big and it just scares me. The first guy, he just has the harshest tone.
For instance our tornado drills. We had one in my Practical Law class last week and our teacher just said go sit under the tables against the wall since we have a class in a computer lab. But then the first assistant principal came in and yelled at us and told us to get on our knees against the wall and with our hands over our heads.
Ok, seriously, when I was in middle school and we had tornadoes rage through during April, we didn't sit like that. We sat against the walls and lockers for probably two hours. I'm sure it would make more sense if the tornado were an actual threat to the school though.
It doesn't seem like the school has been the same nice place it has always been this year. What happened to the love? The assistant principals are so harsh. We have a teacher in the school who used to work at a boot camp, or maybe still does and has worked in prisons and he's one of the nicest teachers I've ever met. He deals with the troublesome kids who have troubled lives, but before he taught here, he was a substitute teacher and I had him for a sub in middle school a few times.
I'm really not trying to upset any school administrators who might just happen to read this blog. Our principal wants to make all these changes right away. I see her sometimes at lunch, but really I don't see her all too often. What's she doing? Is she just staying in her office all day? I know principals are busy people too. Our last principal made an effort everyday to be in the commons (our cafeteria area) and he was outside in the afternoons or mornings making sure the buses got out and stuff. I'm trying not to get too down on the new principal.
It can't feel that great being the new guy, more like girl, on the job. I imagine it's probably really hard for her. And it doesn't help that I'm here criticizing everything.
It's just that I feel like she doesn't understand that great things take time. You can't just rush us into things. You can't force us to make things better right now. If you want to make something great, you need to give it time.
It's like a musician. I'm a pianist who has a final recital on Friday. I'm not going to just pull a piece of music out of thin air and play it (wouldn't that be cool?). I've been practicing for probably over a month for this recital. And even with how long I've been practicing, I know I'll still mess up on Friday. Sometimes that happens. I don't mind the mess ups because they only make you better later on in life. Not that you need to know this, but I laugh at my mistakes because they're not something to get worked up about.
Improving our school can be taken the same way. She can institute all these new rules and regulations, but we're probably not gonna want to follow them right away. I think she needs to start a little more slowly. And she may think that we've been slow enough for all these years that we need to take it up a notch, but take it from a musician. You're not gonna be able to just pick it up and play it, you gotta start slow and practice it.
Also this doesn't help, but if practice makes perfect and nobody's perfect, then why practice?
I guess to improve. So you're not gonna be perfect, you can at least improve every time you play.
This year hasn't been a complete dud. My principal I have to say, she's a lot nicer and doesn't scare me as much as the assistant principals. It's probably because she's a girl and girls tend to be more compassionate. No offense guys. I just know that guys go through a phase when they want to kill everything meaning little creatures like ants. Guys are a lot more tough or at least they think they are. I know girls are a lot more emotional.
Basically, our school isn't gonna get better unless we give it time, but still put in the effort to help make it better. I just don't agree with a whole lot of new rules and regulations during the first year of this new principal. You gotta take things gradually. There's no use in raising the standards right now. We're just getting used to trimesters and you can't just add a heaping amount of rules onto that. It's unfair enough that we had to get trimesters this year and that Michigan is raising standards and cutting budgets, so teachers are getting the pink slip.
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