Well anyways, that's a picture of me in 9th grade. I had glasses and braces.
Now as a senior in high school, I'm for the most part without glasses (I wear contacts) and I'm with straight teeth and no braces.
I'm writing about this today because on this day 3 years ago, I got my braces taken off. I only wore them for almost 2 years. Now, I also had headgear, but I don't have a picture of that. I had a palate expander, which made it really difficult to eat spaghetti. I would choke on the spaghetti, so I couldn't eat spaghetti then.
I have a Bible that is in the form of a magazine. It's a Biblezine called Revolve and along with the Bible, it also has tips and other things for girls. One thing I found was about braces. It said this:
Brace yourself. If you're embarrassed by annoying braces on your teeth (though you really shouldn't be!), don't make the mistake of being stingy with your gorgeous smile. Keep lip color neutral, soft, and not overly shiny, and smile on with the warmth of Christ that you have in your heart. Draw attention to your shining eyes instead of to your lips, and no one will even notice the extra hardware on your teeth.
I just thought that was cool. Truth be told, I miss wearing braces. That's not something you may hear a lot. But hey, I'm weird like that. Now though, I wear retainers (or I'm supposed to). Actually I wear them off and on. As of fall of last year, I'm officially done with orthodontia, so I don't actually have to wear my retainers, but I don't want my teeth to shift back to how they were. I had a gap in between my two front teeth. My dad has that gap. I have his teeth.
That picture up there was taken probably a month before I got my braces off, so my teeth were pretty straight then. Oh yeah and after getting my braces off, my orthodontist gave me a bag of candy. Sweetness!
So if you have to get braces, don't worry about it. It's a normal part of growing up for some people. It's really not that embarrassing. A lot of people at my school have had braces. And if you're totally weird like me, you might miss having them after they get taken off.
Shine on. Smile on.
Hey Chelsea, can you please post a pic of yourself now?!
I don't have braces, but lots of people in my school do...there is this one girl in my class, and braces actually look really awesome on here. But they would look so bad on me, because my mouth would be to small!
xox emily
Hey! I really like your blog. I found it through emily's blog, which I found through Nancy Rues blog, and it's awesome! I really liked your post about braces, because I have them. And I don't mind saying that, I-HATE-THEM!!! My wax doesn't stay on, so the insides of my mouth are always sore, and I still have a year and a half to go! (I'll have to have them about two and a half years) I agree with emily, please post a pic of you now!
I had braces I got them when I was 7 and a half. I only wear a retainer now. (Thank Goodness)
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