I got thinking about this on Sunday. My friend mentioned on her Facebook that she was sad and she didn't think she would be, but she is. She's a senior like me and in less than a month, we're going to be graduating high school.
Great things are ahead for us I know, but still I know how she feels. I'm sad too. I have 16ish more days of school left. I'm not really ready for high school to be over with. Actually I'm really scared. I don't like change. There are four seniors in my youth group graduating and I'm gonna miss them so much next year. Two of them are leaving the state and I don't know what it will be like without seeing them so often. I'll see them at church during breaks, but that's about it. This kinda makes me feel like crying.
I think reality is finally starting to sink in for all of us seniors. And it's not only starting to sink in. It's starting to hit us real hard. Many of us have been together since elementary school. At least those that have stuck around my town since then and haven't had to move away. This is such a change for everyone.
Reality is definitely hitting me hard because I'm the one who doesn't think I'm ready to leave high school. Some days I feel this way, while others I don't. One of my locker buddies made a comment about me yesterday. She said I'm the complete opposite of all the seniors in our school. Why? Because I actually want to come to school whereas most of the seniors have already checked out. Come on guys, we can make it a little further. I'm scared! But I know God will bring me through it.
Hey Chelsea,
I'll be praying for you. In the Sierra Jensen book Take my Hand, it focuses quite a bit as Sierra and her friends graduate from high school. Sierra felt a lot like you -- she wasn't ready to leave for college, she wanted her life to stay the same, etc. It made me realize what a great childhood I'm having, and I want to try so hard not to take it for granted.
xox emily
yeah, that must be hard
ill be praying for you
That really makes you think about life and how sometimes we wish so much to "grow up" and because of that we never really focas on trying to have the best time we have noww.\Meredith
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