Saturday, July 18, 2009
Vacation '09 and My Little Sabbatical
Don't get all excited just yet because you have to understand that this is my 3rd cruise. As much as I like spending time with my family and I like going on vacation, I just sometimes wish we could go somewhere other than on a cruise. I'd like to go to Arizona or Colorado or California. Just somewhere different. Oh well, once again headed to Florida.
I'm not complaining. It will be a lot warmer than Michigan has been lately. Who knew I'd have to travel south for summer? And hey at least I get to have a friend with me. The last time we went on a cruise back in 2007, my brother got to bring a friend, but I had no one to hang out with, so I found myself reading a lot and walking around alone or with my parents. I'm glad I get to bring a friend. She is uber excited about this trip and has been since April. Not a bad thing. She has never done this before. I'm spoiled and sometimes being spoiled isn't what every child wants. But hey, I'm really not complaining here.
I'm just letting you know that I'm going to be gone from Sunday to Thursday. I'm mad that I will be missing church tomorrow. I'm also upset about missing my favorite tv shows this week, but hey that's what the internet is for. I can watch those online later.
I have also decided to take a little sabbatical from my blog for about two weeks. You won't hear anything out of me until August 1st. I just feel like I've been typing up a storm these last couple of weeks. I've had a lot of good ideas, but I'm now gonna let my readers catch up.
But on my vacation, I'm taking a notebook along with my Bible and if an idea strikes me, I'm gonna write it down, so I can report back to you in August.
This sabbatical won't be hard until I get back from my trip since there's not free internet on the ship and I'm not taking my laptop. But I think I need a break from typing and you might want to catch up on reading if you feel like it. I was actually surprised at how many blogs (posts) I've put out this month in these last couple of weeks.
Anyways, I hope you have a nice break from me and my crazy writing. I'll tell you all about my trip on the 1st of August. See you then!
Change is inevitable
You may not realize it, but I changed my URL for my blogger website. Then I decided it was time to change my Twitter name, so I did that. I haven't really had an issue getting used to it. I was gonna change my layout for my blog, but then I decided it was too much.
So I haven't exactly come to terms with change, but it's inevitable. It's gonna happen whether we like it or not.
I guess if it didn't happen, we'd still be the same people we were years ago. It's like growing. Growing is changing and growing is inevitable. We just have to learn to deal with it. I'm slowing learning how to deal with it.
Sweet Dreams
I'm not just a dreamer in the whole American dream sense. I dream a lot in my sleep. I have a very active imagination.
Last night my dream had something to do with catching frogs and they were some big bull frogs or something. I think I was trying to catch them with my neighbors.
I wake up in REM a lot in case you were wondering. REM is Rapid Eye Movement. It is the deepest part of sleep and I think if I remember correctly, it's where you spend most of the night. You may not remember your dreams, but believe me you're dreaming.
I know this might sound weird, but I keep a dream journal. I used to write all my dreams in it. Not so much anymore. Just certain ones that strike me. I used to write all dreams because I was doing an experiment. At the time, I started that journal, my now old youth pastors were moving, so I was having a lot of dreams about them and didn't exactly understand why. So I started that experiment.
As the days wore on and I slowly recovered from losing them due to a move, I stopped having so many dreams about them.
This summer, I've had a ton of dreams about school. Some have been college related. Others or most others I should say have been about high school. About the last day of school in particular.
The other day, my dad and I were talking about me being tired all the time. He suggested that maybe I'm not getting enough of my REM sleep. Possible. I'm thinking a lot of the time I'm waking up in REM sleep. Waking up in REM sleep isn't good. You may be able to remember your dream better, but you'll be more tired because it's the deepest part of the sleep cycle. Did you know that most dreams last only 5 minutes? Yeah, I wish some of my happiest dreams would last longer than they do.
There was one day this week that I actually did get enough sleep. I got 7 hours, but my body told me to get up early, so I did. It was for no particular reason. I just did. The rest of the week, I've been exhausted though.
Back in the day
Have your parents ever said that to you? My dad jokes about it all the time.
My Aunt Ann is going to a class reunion this weekend. Actually I think it might have been tonight. I met her friend from high school on Thursday. Then yesterday, I had to take her friend somewhere because she's from out of state.
I really enjoyed the conversation. We talked about what the town used to look like. She and my aunt grew up together hanging out and babysitting my mom (she's the youngest in her family).
I just wanted to say that you can learn a lot about history from those that have gone before you, so always listen to the older ones. They've got some cool stories.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Share the Cross

These crosses are very symbolic. They come with a little tiny book that tells what they symbolize. They are made from nails, which symbolize the ones used to nail Jesus to the cross. There is wire wrapped around the nails, which symbolizes the crown of thorns placed on His head. The cord which goes around your neck symbolizes what they beat Jesus with.
I get comments about this necklace occasionally. Yesterday I got a comment and usually you gotta know that when I get a comment on my necklace, I say thank you. I have to wonder though, why don't I share the story that goes with this cross?
Ok when I say what I'm about to say, don't worry about me. I feel kinda annoyed with myself at the fact that I don't say the story or talk about what the cross symbolizes. I think that's what we should be doing.
We're supposed to be sharing the Word of God with everyone. We're supposed to be sharing the Good News with everyone.
I think I'm almost afraid to share what my cross symbolizes sometimes. But we're not supposed to be afraid. Don't be afraid of what others might think about you for what you believe in. Jesus told the disciples that people would hate them because of Him.
I think next time someone comments on my cross, I'm gonna try tell them what it symbolizes.
The Pope and Harry Potter
I guess a few years ago, the Pope didn't agree with Harry Potter at all. It makes sense why he wouldn't agree with it. He's a clergyman and Harry Potter has a lot of magic and spells in it. I guess supposedly the spells they use in the books and movies are real spells that Wiccans use. I've heard that somewhere.
I found out this morning that the Pope now doesn't have a problem with Harry Potter. He realizes that Harry Potter shows a lot of good and evil. Like a lot of movies, Harry Potter has the good side and the bad side.
It's much like Star Wars or Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings. One thing I don't get is why everyone will read or watch Lord of the Rings, which has magic and a whole of that of weird things in it, but they won't read or watch Harry Potter, which has the same thing.
Shortly after the release of the last book, I remember the author, JK Rowling, saying that her books are meant to be seen religiously. That's a subject I know that can be argued. As I sat watching the movie in the theater last night, I was reminded of her saying that.
There's the good side and the bad side. The light side and the dark side. The good and the evil. The good guys and the bad guys. The superheroes and the villains.
I think what the Pope was getting at was that it's ok to read this series or watch the movies because it teaches concepts of good and evil.
One last thought I have and it's a funny one, so go ahead and laugh at it. Join the dark side; we have cookies. Haha. :)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
The Bible tells us not to have anything to do with witchcraft and things of that sort. There's no such thing as magic. I know that. I'm one of a million Harry Potter fans. I have all the books and I've read all them. I've seen all the movies that have come out thus far. Tonight I saw the 6th movie.
You know when I first started reading the books, I never thought they would actually start making movies to it. I never thought I would get to the day when I would actually see the 6th movie. It's not the last movie, but it's the second to last.
Let this be a lesson to you all, the movies are never as good as the book. This movie tonight lasted for roughly 2 hours. It was a good movie and had a ton of funny parts in it, but it seemed to skip a lot. I haven't read the book in a few years, so I don't really remember what happens, but I was skimming it over last night and found a lot of stuff different. All in all, I like reading the books better. You can have a lot more imagination reading than watching a movie.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
That darn Christian music
I'm not dissing secular music at all. I used to listen to it too. I remember hearing a friend say that he had given up secular music for Lent and I thought that would be really hard to do. I don't know what got me listening to Christian music, but something did because 98% of the music I have on my mp3 player is Christian music. That was the last time I counted my songs though.
On Monday, I was also accused of only listening to gospel music. Yes, gospel music is Christian, but it's not the kind of Christian music I listen to. In fact, I don't really like gospel music. I'm not into the soul jiving stuff that you see in African American churches. But I don't have anything against it either. I'm just saying there's a difference between gospel and what I listen to.
I listen to alternative Christian contemporary like Mat Kearney; CCM like Michael W. Smith; Christian metal like Skillet; Christian rap/hip-hop like Toby Mac; Christian rock like Lifehouse; and alternative Christian punk like Switchfoot.
Now of those bands I listed off, there might be some you wouldn't assume to be Christian. In fact I know people who don't believe Switchfoot is Christian. We got into a discussion about that too. Apparently Relient K isn't Christian either.
But I appreciate these bands that a normal person sees as just regular secular music. I know people who aren't Christians who listen to Switchfoot and Relient K and they don't know that these bands are actually Christian. Yes, Relient K is definitely Christian.
I have to sometimes wonder how people can listen to what they listen to. I have been listening to Christian music for a few years now and I love it. I can't get enough of it. I'm always looking for new songs and new bands to listen to. I love praising God.
But at the same time, I bet people wonder how I can listen to this Christian music. What's so great about it anyways? It's a form of worship. I can't help it. I'm a Jesus Freak. You DC Talk might have been what got me started with Christian music. Love them!
They're legal drug dealers. That's the simple way of putting it. In fact, my friend wants to become a pharmacist. Yay! I know where I'm getting my drugs. That's a joke in case you're wondering.
So we come back to Pharmacophobia. What's a phobia? It's a fear of something. So naturally Pharmacophobia is the fear of medicine.
I don't have a fear really of medicine exactly, but this was the closest phobia to my phobia that I could get. I like medicine. It makes you feel better.
But I have the fear of getting addicted to medicine. I've had a toothache for a while because this tooth has issues and I will inevitably have to have a root canal, which from what my dad said, hurts a lot. Wonderful! Note my sarcasm there. In order to get my tooth to stop bothering me, I've been taking Ibuprofen. My tooth bother me pretty much everyday. It's not bothering me right, but that may soon change. So I take 200mg of Ibuprofen. It helps for about 6 hours.
But I haven't wanted to take a lot of it because I have a fear of getting addicted to it. I have always been really cautious about taking medicine. Actually I'm cautious about everything. I don't want to get into trouble and I don't want to ruin my life somehow. So naturally I'm a really cautious person.
I had a conversation with my dad last night though that made me feel a lot better about taking Ibuprofen. You can't get addicted to Ibuprofen. It's not like Vicodin, which is addictive. That makes me feel a lot better about taking Ibuprofen when my teeth hurt. It has also been a lot easier since I learned to swallow pills.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Not one of them anymore
Frankly, it kinda stunk being where I was. At least it was quiet and I could read in peace, but that kinda makes me feel old. I am old though. I am 18. I was the oldest teen to go on that trip. Actually this past year, I was the oldest teen in the youth group by a month and twelve days.
I have fun when I go to Cedar Point no matter who I'm with, but yesterday I just didn't feel like I really fit in. Most of the teens that went were in middle school or early high school. I didn't really fit in. And that stunk.
I have come to the realization that I'm not one of them anymore. I knew it was coming. So many people have told me to move on. It's called I need to move on without everyone else telling me to move on. I'm getting there. I'm starting to think anyways that I don't want to be one of them anymore.
I love my youth group a lot, but I think I can do without the immaturity of the group. I'm starting to realize how much I would rather hang out with people my own age group. I'm really starting to look forward to getting into a college group.
But at the same time, I'm still a little sad to leave my youth group days behind. Not like I have a choice though. Who wants to go to Neverland with me? Just kidding.
Change is inevitable. It's gonna happen whether you like it or not. I never have dealt with it that easily, but I'm slowly getting over the pain of leaving high school and youth group. I do have the rest of the summer with youth group, but actually technically I'm out already. How sad.
I really hope my church gets a college group started because a lot of young adults don't come back to church after high school because there's nothing for them. I'll still go to church, but I'd like to belong to a group that can relate to me. No offense older adults.
Cedar Point 2009
Yesterday I got up around six, which meant that I only got 7 hours of sleep. But at least I had some caffeine. Unfortunately that caffeine didn't last me all day. We left around 8:30 or were supposed to. I suppose we actually left around 9. It takes about two hours to get there since it's in stinky Ohio (oh how I hate Ohio State; just kidding, I was born in Ohio).
We got to the park and went in. I made the mistake of only putting sunscreen on my scalp. I have a sunglasses tan and everyone kept telling me that I did. Thanks guys, I know already. So now I look like a raccoon.
I rode a lot of rides that I didn't think I would ride. I used to be really into roller coasters, but not so much anymore. I hate the stomach dropping feeling. I don't get motion sickness though. I was gonna ride Top Thrill Dragster with some of the guys because my dad was calling me a wuss (my brother and him went on it a few years ago), but time didn't permit for it, so I was a little upset about that.
After being in the park for just a few hours, I got really bored. Plus I was tired, which made me moody. I started wishing we could leave because I didn't want anyone to see me in my moodiness. You don't want to see me moody. Even I don't want to see myself moody. I fear I'll regret saying something later on.
We didn't end up leaving the park until 8, which was annoying. I wanted to go home way before that. We ate dinner soon after leaving the park. A lot of the teens didn't want to eat where we ate, which was Burger King. They started complaining. My moodiness said, get over it, we stayed at the park late just for you, so get over it. They all ate slowly too. Then after about 5 minutes on the Ohio Turnpike, we stopped at a rest station. Why? Because one of the teens had to pee. Then a few of them were taking too much time. It was really annoying to me and I wasn't even in their car. I was exhausted though and wanted to go home. The walking I did was the equivalent feeling that only a marching band member would understand. It felt like a day at band camp.
I don't think I ever want to go to Cedar Point with young teenagers ever again. And I'm talking middle school and young high school kids. I was the oldest teen there. I wished I had someone my own age to hang with. I'm 3 years younger than our youngest chaperone who is the youth leader.
Don't get me wrong though, I had a fun time. I hung out with some girls who weren't sure they wanted to go on the big roller coasters. We ended up going on some pretty big ones and they weren't as scary as we thought they would be.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Just because she is...
My friends that I've been arguing with lately (yes, I'm going there again) were telling me that they've observed my friend and how she flirts and leads guys on.
Well, ok, just because you say that's true, does that give you the right to say things to other people? This isn't the Bible. Calling people mean names because you've "observed" it and then telling other people is not right. That's gossip. Not cool.
What I mean by this isn't the Bible is it's not something that needs to be shared. You have your opinions about certain things, but that doesn't mean you have to share them with the whole world.
Tact. Do you know what that is? It's basically knowing when to say things. So just because something is one thing in your mind, doesn't mean we all need to hear it.
And I think go by the saying we all should have learned when we were kids. If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all.
I crack myself up
It came about in the fact that my friends (that I was arguing with) defend me all the time. I asked them what they meant. Apparently people make fun of me and these two friends I was arguing with stick up for me all the time.
I asked them what people said, but they didn't want to tell me because then it would be gossip. Really? Why did you guys tell me about this in the first place then? I mean, don't they realize that I'm a curious person? Apparently not.
But then again, who said I needed them to stick up for me? I mean that's nice and all, but I have been picked on since I was in elementary school and those two friends were some of them that picked on me.
They didn't tell me who or what was being said, so I'm not sure I really believe them. See, I think I was looking for proof of these things. When they said it was gossip, I just didn't believe them because they weren't gonna give me anything.
Frankly I'm at a point in my life where I don't care what other people think about me. I felt hurt in elementary school by getting teased and stuff. Now I make fun of myself.
No, it's not what you're thinking. I don't bully myself. Throw myself down into a pit of depression. Making of fun of myself is one of my favorite things to do. I love laughing and when I'm alone, I argue with myself especially late at night and then I just have fun. It's fun to me. I can't really explain it.
Last night I had a conversation with myself on my Facebook wall concerning my status, which was completely sarcastic because I know what it's called to be made fun of. In my book that's bullying. So about my conversation:
"Hey Chelsea."
"You smell funny."
"What?! That's so hurtful. Now I'm gonna go cry! But wait, I can't because I just told myself that I smell funny. Well self, get over it. I smell funny because I ate a clown for breakfast."
Then later I put a note to myself telling me and everyone else not to eat clowns for breakfast because it makes you smell funny.
Making fun of myself in that sense, really gets me laughing. My psychology teacher told us that laughing reduces stress. It releases endorphins (the high, happy feeling) into our brains. Makes us feel good. She told us to make ourselves laugh by fake laughing. I do that sometimes, but I'd rather crack a funny joke.
When I was younger, I had a new joke almost every day.
Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Luke who?
Luke out, there's a meteor.
Haha. That was one of the jokes I found in my Aunt's VBS director books. It cracked me up.
You know how I said I don't care what people think? Well if you want to make fun of me, go ahead, be my guest, doesn't bother me. But at least realize that by making fun of somebody, you're not really doing what Jesus would have wanted you to do.
But whatever floats your boat I guess. I'm gonna continue making fun of myself. It's to make others laugh, as in for entertainment. I don't ever put myself down when making fun of myself because that's just not cool.
Another Long Ride
Yes, I went for another 16 mile ride. Only I think it might have been longer than 16 miles. Boy am I beat though.
The ride to Dairy Queen this time didn't seem to take so long. Last week, it took us around 40 minutes to get there. This time it took us 36 minutes or so. Wow, what a 4 minute difference can do.
The ride home, we decided to take a completely different route. We went down a dirt road. It was long and painful. I hated all the hills especially the last one. It was the hardest one. My dad actually rode all the way up, but my mom and I had to get off our bikes and walk.
Once again, I'm really tired. But I think these rides are worth it. I'm building muscle and burning calories. That's a good thing. Exercise is good.
Friends Day
This morning, before church, there were doughnuts and coffee and other stuff to eat. Frankly I think I just ate too much today period.
After worship practice, we ate a little and while everyone was in Sunday school, the teens helped prepare. We went to our Sunday school room (or I mean the girls Sunday school room) and wrapped little toys and candy in aluminum foil to make it look like moon rocks for a scavenger hunt. Someone went out and "hid" them too. What I mean by that is he just went and dropped the "moon rocks" around the yard.
We talked about who was doing what once again. Then we went to church. The sermon brought tears to my eyes. It wasn't something we normally do. We watched a video of this guy's story. He had a messed up life and planned on ending it, but then a pastor came to his door and changed his life basically. I really enjoyed it.
After church, we signed kids up early for VBS. Then they got to play some games that the teens ran. Finally we had lunch. Like I said though, I ate way too much today.
And about my picture, I was looking for something that had friends in it. My youth group is a bunch of friends. That is a picture of some of us with our old youth pastors. It was taken back in December. When I got this picture, I was trying to capture the picture we took on the weekend they first left us again. Just to let you know.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
When Jealousy Bites, Bite Back
I wrote it on April 13, 2007 apparently at 10:49 pm. It is called When jealousy bites, bite back.
I mean that literally. It really does. Who hasn't had to deal with jealousy? Come on, be honest. Have you dealt with it? If you won't say, then I will. I have dealt with it on many occasions. It's not something super easy to get rid of either.
Have you ever heard that little voice in your head saying something along the lines like "Why does that girl who isn't good at much get a car that nice?" or "What did he do to deserve that cool thing?" or even "Why does she keep to keep that when she didn't even help make it?" Well, I'm not going to lie. I've been dealing with the last one a lot in the past few days.
It's Satan too. Satan wants so bad to make you feel jealous. Sure other people don't mean to make it happen, but when Satan gets into your head, jealousy can occur. At least, jealousy is one of the things that Satan puts into our minds. There's some others like "You're just not good enough to be second chair." or "You really stink at the piano." I've been struggling with the second one a lot with jazz band too. It's not jealousy, but it's meant to get us down. I don't want to feel down. Do you?
Well, if you don't, then you have to bite back. Lately, I've had myself saying out loud, but under my breath "Shut up Satan!", but I think I need to shout or yell it. Don't let Satan get to you. All he gives is lies. Stop him in his tracks. Tell him to shut up and bud out!
I think it's a good reminder to all of us. Shut up Satan!
I called her a party pooper because she's gonna miss Friends Day and Cedar Point this next week because she's going on a mission trip in North Carolina with I think her old youth group from Florida.
I was kidding and she knew that. I think mission trips are great. I love going on them and I'm glad she's getting out there and helping others.
Now I knew she wasn't talking about me when she said what she said when replying to what I said, but what she said hit me hard and it hasn't left my mind since she said it.
She said she was sorry, but she'd be with her friends from Florida; people who don't think she's a whore.
I know, I know. Harsh words there. But it got me thinking and yes, that's exactly what she said. And it's one of those things that I really do know she wasn't saying that I said it and she wasn't saying that I was among those that had, but still it was a crushing blow that made me think a lot.
See, this year was Lauren's first year joining my youth group. It's been a lot of fun. She's such a bubbly and fun person to be around. I've really enjoyed hanging out with her this year.
But I know some people who don't seem to want her in youth group even though they claim they don't hate her and they claim that they're not doing the things that are happening. There are rumors being spread from teens to parents about Lauren that aren't true. She's to the point of not coming anymore to church. Is that how a church is supposed to work?
There are the rumors. There have been the texts about her being called mean things. The bullying. They don't call it bullying because they don't talk to her, but bullying is bullying. I hate the idea of people being pushed around.
This is why I got into an argument with one of the girls calling Lauren mean things a few weeks ago. She just wouldn't listen to me though. Then when I apologized, she told me to try not to make her feel like a bad Christian when we argue. Honestly I just wanted to argue back at that point, but I didn't.
The teasing hasn't ended yet and I'm not sure if it will anytime soon. The people doing this need to act their own age and get over it.
Ok, so, I wasn't planning on telling you this much, but if you wanted to understand this, I think you needed to hear it.
Really people, is this what a church is supposed to look like? Is this what a youth group is supposed to look like? Is this what a youth group is supposed to do? Is this what a church is supposed to do?
This is what I've been thinking ever since Lauren said those things about being with friends who didn't think such things.
Is this what my youth group looks like? Is this what we're trying to look like?
If this is what we're trying to look like, then we fail at the purpose of a youth group.
I've seen the arguments fly about whether or not this is a youth group issue. It most certainly is. We have a problem here. A girl isn't coming back to our youth group because people became jealous and started dragging her down to make themselves feel better.
Every time I think about what Lauren said to me about her friends in Florida, it's like a blow in the face. What is my youth group trying to accomplish here?
Do you guys wanna die out? Or do you wanna keep growing?
We had a pretty good growth this year, but if people keep getting jealous of others, we're just gonna keep pushing people away. Who wants to join a youth group that gets jealous so easily? Who wants to be in a youth group where the teens bully others?
Surely not I. And actually everyone I start talking to youth group about says I'm not in youth group anymore. Fine! I'm not in youth group. Good riddance. I don't want to be in a youth group full of bullies.
Ok, maybe I exaggerated a little there. Not everyone in my church's youth group is bad. And the ones we seem to be having the most problems with seem to be the ones that just graduated with me. No wonder they don't think it's a youth group problem. They know they're out.
Why are we being so immature? Why are we being major hypocrites here?
We say we're Christians. Then we go bully someone. We go pick on someone who is smaller and weaker than us. We get jealous. We gossip and spread rumors.
Are we really being Christians? Christians are followers of Christ. Did Jesus do any of this stuff? Spread the rumors? Bully people? Pick on the weak? Gossip?
I think we all really need to be asking the same question.
What would Jesus do?
Friday, July 10, 2009
Friends Day Prep
Tonight at church, some teens and adults got together to plan for Friends Day. Friends Day is an event my church is doing this coming Sunday. This is an event to get ready for Vacation Bible School, which is happening in August. The picture I have here is a picture from our VBS in 2006. We were so young looking. I'm the one next to the girl in the red shirt.
This is a chance for kids and adults to bring friends to church with them. We're gonna have coffee and doughnuts in the morning before Sunday school. Then most likely Sunday school, but some of us are helping set up during Sunday school. Then we're having a normal church service. After church, we're having a carnival type event where kids get to play games that have to do with outer space (that's our theme this year) and they'll get prizes for those games.
Tonight, we just planned like I said and set some things up. We also listened to the music. Some of it's kinda boring, but we picked the songs we liked. We're gonna have a blast! No pun intended there. You know blast off (the space theme)? Ok, just making sure you understood what I was talking about with the no pun intended part. Oh wait, maybe that pun was intended. I don't know.
I was working on posters for the games we're having with some friends tonight and I stumbled upon some jokes in the VBS director's book. They were so corny, but I was cracking up. My friends thought I was crazy.
I had a good time tonight except for the icky mosquitoes. That's one thing I don't like about summertime. The darn mosquitoes. They like me, but I don't like them. You know what else likes me? Fleas. I have good hygiene, but my cats get them (not saying they don't take care of their fur, well one of my cats has problems) and the fleas jump onto me. Every time I see one, I have to flush it down the toilet because they're so hard to kill. Grr!!!
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Bully Me This
Pick on it
Annoy it
Attack it
Spread the rumors
Talk behind its back
It's just an ant right?
Bully it
You are just the bully right?
Make it feel little
Make it feel useless
Make it feel horrible
What if it is me?
Pick on me
Annoy me
Attack me
Go ahead
Spread the rumors
Talk behind my back
Bully me
Make me feel little
Make me feel useless
Make me feel horrible
What if it were Jesus?
Picked on
Annoyed possibly
Rumors spread
Died on the cross
Talked behind His back
Felt little perhaps
Felt useless maybe
Felt horrible perhaps
Felt pain on the cross
Died for our sins
Don't deserve it
God loves
What does it mean?
Seek Him
Follow Him
Serve Him
Love one another
Are you the bully?
Are you the Christian?
And finally I wanted to share this verse with you because my dad constantly tells me this one.
"My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:12-13
VBS #1 Day 4
Tonight we talked about Jonah. Yes, a little different from Jesus. Because on the last day of VBS, don't they usually talk about Jesus? Yes, most normal churches do that, but my dad's church is the exception.
We had the Jonah story. Then they sang and did the craft. The craft was a whale that was spitting Jonah out. It was pretty neat.
We had ice cream and whale cookies for a snack. That's always my favorite part. The ice cream, that is.
The game was water related. Water balloon toss. It turned into a water balloon fight, but the balloons were hard to break. Then all the little kids turned on me and decided to throw them at me. So I ended up with two wet legs tonight. Good thing I took my cell phone and mp3 player out of my pockets.
It was a fun night though.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
VBS #1 Day 3
Tonight was friendship night. We sang songs. Then we made friendship bracelets, which took a while because the kids kept dropping the beads. It was hard to hold onto especially for them. We had cupcakes that we dipped in Oreo crumbs. That was really good.
They played a relay game with clothes. You get into teams. There is a pile of clothes that the kids had to run to. They put a piece on and ran back to their team and the next person went. You're supposed to do that until the clothes are all gone, but I think the kids lost interest pretty quickly. But at the end, all they wanted to do was play with the clothes.
We sang a little bit more after the game and then released the kids to go play on the playground.
One Small Fear
You might find this to be rather silly and I will admit, it sorta is, but it's a fear of mine. I have a fear of swallowing pills. I'm always afraid I'll choke on it. Or it will get stuck.
For the longest time, I have either taken children's strength chewables (I have to take 4 of the chewable ibuprofen kind to feel better sometimes) or I'll get a liquid.
Right now I'm on a liquid medicine because I opted out of the pill I would have had to take. Now I have to take this liquid four times a day. It smells nice, but tastes revolting. Don't worry, I'm not sick or anything. But I might have to have a root canal. That's why I'm on this antibiotic, but I'm praying I don't have to get the root canal.
The other way of swallowing pills if I had to do it was to put the pill in applesauce or pudding. It really helped to not be able to see it. I would take big gulps of the applesauce or pudding, so I couldn't feel the pill.
Today I got another toothache. This is the tooth that I might have to get a root canal on. So I decided to take some ibuprofen. I have the kids stuff, but I thought maybe I should try the adult stuff. I asked my friend, Bethany, if I should be daring about the adult pills. She told me she's been taking the adult stuff since she was like 10. But then again, she knows how much I struggle with it.
I decided to take the adult stuff. We didn't have any pudding or applesauce, so I had to swallow it with water or pop. I chose the pop. I filled my mouth up with the pop (or soda, however you put it), popped the pill into my mouth, and swallowed.
As cheesy as it sounds, I was really proud of myself for doing it and hey I feel better too. I think I have slightly conquered this fear. I know it's all a psychological thing going that I have too. I fear my throat will close up and choke on it, but that didn't happen and I'm glad of that.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
VBS #1 Day 2
When I got to VBS, the kids were on a journey with Moses. It was actually a scavenger hunt with their bags that they decorated yesterday. I'm thinking about using mine as a purse. It's pretty cool looking. They all did a great job with theirs.
We played follow the leader tonight. That wore me out even though we didn't do it for very long. They sang some songs. Oh I forgot to mention that we were outside tonight for all our activities. After the game, we had snack time. We had Nilla Wafers and pudding. It was good.
For the craft, the kids decorated an old shoe and put a plant in it. The shoes said, "follow the leader God" on them. It was a neat idea and we had lots of different old shoes to do it with. Plus we didn't have that many kids tonight.
Hopefully our numbers will get better tomorrow. We were just missing some kids is all for other activities and such.
Do Not
I was recently talking with a friend who was worried about me being friends with her. I'm not worried though. See, I have these other friends who aren't too fond of this girl. Oh geez, story of my life.
When haven't I had friends like this?
Though I must admit the other friend I have like this particular friend doesn't care what others think about her. This particular friend likes to change names. Throughout middle school, she was Kate. Then high school, she was Lexi. And now for college and probably the rest of her life, she'll be Kat. Whatever, she's weird like that. Maybe that's why we make such good friends. She and I both are pretty weird. Now I have another friend, actually a couple I know of who don't like her. Get over it! What do you want me to do? Just drop her as a friend? No can do. I won't do it. You can't make me.
There's a song I know of by John Reuben (he's somewhat of a Christian rapper, well kinda; he's a little like Toby Mac). It's called Do Not.
The other day I was listening to this song and decided to look up the lyrics.
The thing he repeats the most is Do not tell me what I can and cannot do when I rock. I liked that a lot. Just shows you can't boss him and his music around. I changed some words around for me when thinking about friends.
Do not tell me who I can and cannot hang out with.
My first friend I mentioned has nothing to worry about. I can be her friend if I want to and believe me I want to. My other friends just graduated with me and may think they're done with high school, but by acting like this and trying to tell me who I can and cannot hang with is just so high school. It's so juvenile. It's so immature.
I'm not too much into the whole idea of high school cliques. Stop trying to tell me who I can and cannot hang out with. I'm my own person. Plus I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. If you don't like who I'm hanging out with, fine, I don't care. But don't you dare make fun of my friends behind their backs because that's not cool and that will probably make me doubt our friendship.
I have friends already who do that and it hurts when they make fun of one of my friends. I think it hurts because I've felt the teasing before. Don't do it. It may not hurt you right now, but it hurts others. Trust me I know.
It is true this saying. You can pick your nose; you can pick your friends, but you can't pick your friend's nose.
Monday, July 6, 2009
VBS #1 Day 1
This year, I'm on games. One problem I have with games is that these little kids don't seem to want to listen. They just want to run around and be crazy, but hey that's ok. We fuel them up with sugar during snack time and then hopefully wear them out playing a game. It's actually funny that I'm on games at my dad's church because I promised a friend at my church that I would help her with games. I just feel like little kids don't want to listen to me that much. Good thing I have some adults helping the kids.
Tonight was a nice night. We sang Father Abraham, which is what our lesson was about. The theme this year is something that has to do with going on a journey or a trip with God. It's all Old Testament stories because they didn't want to do anything New Testament. That might be weird I know because usually the last day of VBS everyone talks about Jesus and all that he does, but my dad's church is just a little different. Plus his VBS only goes until Thursday.
After the lesson and singing, we did a craft, which I've done before except I did it a little differently. My Aunt Ann, another pastor in the family, who goes to my church, was assigned to do crafts. She doesn't mind. She's a very creative person. Tonight we decorated little backpacks with craft spray paint. It's really cool. A few years ago, we did the same thing with shirts at my church's VBS.
I still have my shirt as do most of the teens that helped with it I think. We had a lot of fun with that. A couple of the guys taped some interesting things on our old youth pastor's shirt. Come to think of it, I think he might still have that shirt too. I haven't asked him about it lately though. He still has the neon green and hot pink socks we gave him for a wedding shower gift though, but that's a story for another time.
Ok, so here's how it works. You take some tape and make a cross on the bag or shirt. Then you use the craft spray paint and decorate the shirt or bag any way you want it. Later after it dries, you pull the tape off and you have a nice white cross on it. It comes out really cool in the end.
After the craft, we did games. We played Red Light, Green Light. I got them a few times saying red light first and then green light. Some of the little kids ran and had to start over. Then there was another boy who yelled yellow light. There's no yellow light in the game, but we decided there should be. We could all walk really slowly.
There was a snack, but then everyone wanted to play on the playground, so they did that for a while. Then went to peel off their cross tape, but I wanted to let mine dry all night because it was still very wet. Then back upstairs, they sang some more, but in the end they all just went back out and played on the playground some more. Oh we did pray. We got all the kids together to pray the Lord's Prayer all together before going back outside. Some of the kids knew it by heart, which was cool.
I look forward to what happens tomorrow and the rest of the week.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
The Long Ride
No wonder Nazarenes say Sundays are for Nazarene naps. Or so I've heard.
This afternoon, I hung around. Around 4 this afternoon, my mom called me. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to Dairy Queen finally on bikes. I didn't think I would make it, but I'm proud to tell you that I did make it to and from Dairy Queen.
Now where is Dairy Queen? It's in the next town over, which is actually my town's rival. Hey, they copied our high school. But they stink at high school football. We usually beat them.
The next town over by car is about 8 miles. We rode our bikes 8 miles to get ice cream (when we have a few ice cream places in our town). Then we rode 8 miles back home. It was a tough ride, but I made it.
Now my dad, mom, and I have been complaining about how stiff we are, how much our butts hurt, and how it hurts to walk because of bending our knees.
It was painful, but I think it was worth it. I'm just not sure if I'll do it again anytime soon.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Big Sparkles in the Sky
Tonight was a good night. It didn't rain, which was good. You can never be too sure of the weather in Michigan even in the summer. And the weathermen haven't really gotten the weather correct this past week, so who knows who you can trust. For a while tonight, it looked like it was gonna rain even though it wasn't supposed to. Then the sun came out near the end. This morning and this evening I wore my varsity jacket (it's a winter jacket and it keeps me very warm) because it was cold.
Tonight I saw some pretty spectacular fireworks. They were even better than the ones from last weekend. Actually the ones from last weekend sucked. Big sparkles in the sky. Yeah, those are the fireworks I saw. My favorite fireworks are the ones that shimmer in the sky and make a crackling noise.
The first memory I have of watching fireworks when my town still did them was me plugging my ears because I didn't like the noise. I have come a long way. Nowadays though our town doesn't do them, but the place I go for the 4th of July does do them just about every year. Plus there are lakes all around that place that do them.
Happy Fourth of July America!
Halfway There
I think we were talking about college or something because she asked what I was doing in the fall. I'm kinda getting tired of that question over and over again. I'm going to Spring Arbor University. It's about half an hour away from my house. I'm living on campus. I'm majoring in English and education. I want to be an English teacher. So tired of being asked that, but that's just what I get for finally graduating. :)
So this lady mentioned that after the 4th of July, the summer is halfway over. I didn't think she was right on that until I actually started thinking hard about it. She was right. It always seems like the summer leads up the Fourth of July and after that, the summer goes by so fast. My summer has already been going so fast it seems.
Although I do have a little over a month and a half left of summer, I do feel like this lady was correct. Summer is halfway over for me. I think it's always been that way really.
When I was in high school, I knew summer was halfway over because in August, I started band camp every year. And that was the end of my perfectly good summer with all the practices I had. Now I don't have band camp and I can go torture the kids that are still in high school at band camp this year.
Summer sure is flying by fast.
Plans for the 4th
Hold it! I know you're wondering. What am I talking about? I'm talking about my plans for the 4th of July. I'm talking about how I spend my time on the 4th of July every year. Ok. So what do you do?
I go to a tractor show. What?! That's so boring though. Yeah, ok, I guess it is. But I have some memorable moments from this tractor show.
First of all, the tractor show is in my town, so I don't have to travel far to it. It's called Bollinger's. It's their family name. There's a lot of them too. They have a lot of property, so that makes it easy for people from all over the country to bring their tractors to show off. And they have a pond with fish in it and sometimes children in it too. They also have a creek (I'll tell some of those stories in a minute).
I don't really go for the tractors as much as I go for my friends. I have a friend named Chelsea who comes down almost every year and we hang out. We've been doing that for a long time. My uncle usually brings tractors with him. I have a picture from when I was younger and my Uncle Rod helped me drive on a tractor. There's another picture of my friend Katlin and my Aunt Ann riding another tractor. Yes, I used to know how to drive a tractor. Not so much anymore though.
I personally haven't been in the pond in I don't even know how many years. I think I stopped going in when the fish started nipping my feet. Oh yeah and there are probably a lot of lost things under the water at the bottom of the pond. If they drained the pond, I'm sure there would be numerous items at the bottom. I think I lost a pair of goggles and I know my current youth leader (and he's also been a friend for so long that he's like a brother to me) lost a swim shoe.
I love going by the creek they have. It just runs through the area. There's a nice little wooden bridge, but the guy who is like my brother is so tall that he can actually jump over the creek. I'm sure I might be able to do that too if I tried, but I don't really want to try. There are frogs and crayfish in the creek. When I was younger, we used to try to catch the crayfish. We still occasionally try to catch the frogs, but those things scare so easily and hop in the water darting away.
This year has been no exception for me. However I seem to spend less and less time there every year. Guess that happens with growing up. I just get busy I guess. Anyways, my friend Chelsea isn't there this year. Her family is, but she isn't because she's in the upper peninsula of Michigan working. Then my best friend Becky is also in the upper peninsula working, so I've really got no one to hang out with. So maybe that's why I haven't been there that much this year.
The party lasts from Thursday to Sunday. They have meals every night that everyone pitches in with. I'm guessing tonight is the lamb, chicken, etc. dinner. I don't remember. Well since Thursday was burgers and hot dogs and yesterday was spaghetti, tonight must be the lamb and such dinner. They also most of the time make doughnuts in the mornings. My mom and I went out to help with that this morning.
I went out last night. I talked to some people and ate dinner. There was one memorable thing from last night. A picnic table tipped over and some people were wearing spaghetti. Kinda sad, yes, but kinda funny too. After that, we all tried to even out the picnic tapes to make sure they didn't tip if there were too many people on one side.
Tonight is probably the best night of the whole party. However the one problem is that there will be a line stretching around part of the pond. Everyone always comes on this night. Why? No matter when the 4th is, people always come on the Saturday because usually the Saturday means fireworks. These fireworks are spectacular! I saw fireworks last week, but they don't usually compare to the ones that go off at Bollinger's.
My parents always want to know why I want to go out there. They certainly don't want to spend a whole weekend there. I have friends. They want to know why I want to be there since it's just a bunch of old men and their tractors. My excuse is my friends and it's my tradition.
Do you have a tradition like that?
Happy Fourth of July!
The other day I know was Canada Day and although I don't live in Canada or celebrate the day, I feel happy for Canada.
I think we should be celebrating no matter where we live. We should be celebrating what we have. We should be celebrating all that God has given us.
I just watched a video on Youtube of a guy singing America, the Beautiful in four different parts. He just put them together. It was really cool. In the video, there were words on the screen. No, not the lyrics. Actually the words were talking about what we do and what we should do.
Americans complain...a lot. We complain about presidential candidates (don't get my youth group started on that one). We complain about increasing gas prices. We complain about the economy. We complain and complain and complain some more.
We shouldn't be complaining. We shouldn't be depreciating America. We should be appreciating it for all we have. And we should always remember how far we've come.
Happy 4th of July!