Sunday, July 12, 2009

I crack myself up

It came to my attention last night after getting into yet another argument with some friends (I'm really not that bad of a person; I just like to argue especially if it's because it's the right thing to do) that people make fun of me.

It came about in the fact that my friends (that I was arguing with) defend me all the time. I asked them what they meant. Apparently people make fun of me and these two friends I was arguing with stick up for me all the time.

I asked them what people said, but they didn't want to tell me because then it would be gossip. Really? Why did you guys tell me about this in the first place then? I mean, don't they realize that I'm a curious person? Apparently not.

But then again, who said I needed them to stick up for me? I mean that's nice and all, but I have been picked on since I was in elementary school and those two friends were some of them that picked on me.

They didn't tell me who or what was being said, so I'm not sure I really believe them. See, I think I was looking for proof of these things. When they said it was gossip, I just didn't believe them because they weren't gonna give me anything.

Frankly I'm at a point in my life where I don't care what other people think about me. I felt hurt in elementary school by getting teased and stuff. Now I make fun of myself.

No, it's not what you're thinking. I don't bully myself. Throw myself down into a pit of depression. Making of fun of myself is one of my favorite things to do. I love laughing and when I'm alone, I argue with myself especially late at night and then I just have fun. It's fun to me. I can't really explain it.

Last night I had a conversation with myself on my Facebook wall concerning my status, which was completely sarcastic because I know what it's called to be made fun of. In my book that's bullying. So about my conversation:

"Hey Chelsea."
"You smell funny."
"What?! That's so hurtful. Now I'm gonna go cry! But wait, I can't because I just told myself that I smell funny. Well self, get over it. I smell funny because I ate a clown for breakfast."

Then later I put a note to myself telling me and everyone else not to eat clowns for breakfast because it makes you smell funny.

Making fun of myself in that sense, really gets me laughing. My psychology teacher told us that laughing reduces stress. It releases endorphins (the high, happy feeling) into our brains. Makes us feel good. She told us to make ourselves laugh by fake laughing. I do that sometimes, but I'd rather crack a funny joke.

When I was younger, I had a new joke almost every day.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Luke who?
Luke out, there's a meteor.

Haha. That was one of the jokes I found in my Aunt's VBS director books. It cracked me up.

You know how I said I don't care what people think? Well if you want to make fun of me, go ahead, be my guest, doesn't bother me. But at least realize that by making fun of somebody, you're not really doing what Jesus would have wanted you to do.

But whatever floats your boat I guess. I'm gonna continue making fun of myself. It's to make others laugh, as in for entertainment. I don't ever put myself down when making fun of myself because that's just not cool.

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