Sunday, July 5, 2009

The Long Ride

Today I have been extremely tired. I didn't want to get out of bed for church, but I finally rolled out of bed around 8:50 and I had to be there at 9. But yeah, I was tired. For some reason, I'm always tired on Sundays.

No wonder Nazarenes say Sundays are for Nazarene naps. Or so I've heard.

This afternoon, I hung around. Around 4 this afternoon, my mom called me. She wanted to know if I wanted to go to Dairy Queen finally on bikes. I didn't think I would make it, but I'm proud to tell you that I did make it to and from Dairy Queen.

Now where is Dairy Queen? It's in the next town over, which is actually my town's rival. Hey, they copied our high school. But they stink at high school football. We usually beat them.

The next town over by car is about 8 miles. We rode our bikes 8 miles to get ice cream (when we have a few ice cream places in our town). Then we rode 8 miles back home. It was a tough ride, but I made it.

Now my dad, mom, and I have been complaining about how stiff we are, how much our butts hurt, and how it hurts to walk because of bending our knees.

It was painful, but I think it was worth it. I'm just not sure if I'll do it again anytime soon.

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