Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sweet Dreams

I'm a dreamer. I always have been really. I dream of the future all the time. I dream of what my future plans are. I have thought about my wedding day before. With who? That's a great question.

I'm not just a dreamer in the whole American dream sense. I dream a lot in my sleep. I have a very active imagination.

Last night my dream had something to do with catching frogs and they were some big bull frogs or something. I think I was trying to catch them with my neighbors.

I wake up in REM a lot in case you were wondering. REM is Rapid Eye Movement. It is the deepest part of sleep and I think if I remember correctly, it's where you spend most of the night. You may not remember your dreams, but believe me you're dreaming.

I know this might sound weird, but I keep a dream journal. I used to write all my dreams in it. Not so much anymore. Just certain ones that strike me. I used to write all dreams because I was doing an experiment. At the time, I started that journal, my now old youth pastors were moving, so I was having a lot of dreams about them and didn't exactly understand why. So I started that experiment.

As the days wore on and I slowly recovered from losing them due to a move, I stopped having so many dreams about them.

This summer, I've had a ton of dreams about school. Some have been college related. Others or most others I should say have been about high school. About the last day of school in particular.

The other day, my dad and I were talking about me being tired all the time. He suggested that maybe I'm not getting enough of my REM sleep. Possible. I'm thinking a lot of the time I'm waking up in REM sleep. Waking up in REM sleep isn't good. You may be able to remember your dream better, but you'll be more tired because it's the deepest part of the sleep cycle. Did you know that most dreams last only 5 minutes? Yeah, I wish some of my happiest dreams would last longer than they do.

There was one day this week that I actually did get enough sleep. I got 7 hours, but my body told me to get up early, so I did. It was for no particular reason. I just did. The rest of the week, I've been exhausted though.

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