Friday, July 17, 2009

The Pope and Harry Potter

I was thinking about something last night before I went to bed. It just intensified this morning when they talked about it on the radio I was listening to online.

I guess a few years ago, the Pope didn't agree with Harry Potter at all. It makes sense why he wouldn't agree with it. He's a clergyman and Harry Potter has a lot of magic and spells in it. I guess supposedly the spells they use in the books and movies are real spells that Wiccans use. I've heard that somewhere.

I found out this morning that the Pope now doesn't have a problem with Harry Potter. He realizes that Harry Potter shows a lot of good and evil. Like a lot of movies, Harry Potter has the good side and the bad side.

It's much like Star Wars or Chronicles of Narnia or Lord of the Rings. One thing I don't get is why everyone will read or watch Lord of the Rings, which has magic and a whole of that of weird things in it, but they won't read or watch Harry Potter, which has the same thing.

Shortly after the release of the last book, I remember the author, JK Rowling, saying that her books are meant to be seen religiously. That's a subject I know that can be argued. As I sat watching the movie in the theater last night, I was reminded of her saying that.

There's the good side and the bad side. The light side and the dark side. The good and the evil. The good guys and the bad guys. The superheroes and the villains.

I think what the Pope was getting at was that it's ok to read this series or watch the movies because it teaches concepts of good and evil.

One last thought I have and it's a funny one, so go ahead and laugh at it. Join the dark side; we have cookies. Haha. :)

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