Sunday, January 11, 2009


Real quick, I need to get some sarcasm out of the way before writing this blog. Well, I must say I'm really starting the year out right. I may have said it a few times last year that I had missed more church than previous years. Not that I'm trying to work on that or anything, but this is the second Sunday of the new year and I didn't go to church. The road conditions were icky and I didn't want to go out, and I know I could have called my aunt to pick me up, but I didn't really feel like going either for other reasons. Ok, so I'm done with that tad bit of information and this part has nothing to do with the blog. I was just throwing it out there.

Yesterday, I was watching American Girl 2009 or something like that. They have a couple of these movies. For instance, there's one with Samantha and one with Felicity. Wait, before I get ahead of myself, you might wonder what I'm talking about. There's this doll collection called American Girl. You can get dolls from different time periods basically. I have 3; a look-a-like (she fits my personality and looks kinda thing and lives in my time period); Kit (she's from the 1930s and The Great Depression); and Kaya (she's a Native American). They're pretty cool. You can get a bunch of clothes and stuff for them. I don't do that much with them as I used to when I was younger. I've kinda grown out of it, but I still take the dolls out from time to time.

The movie yesterday was about a girl named Chrissa. I didn't get the whole story since I came into it in the middle, but I think she was new to the school and there was this one girl she was really having problems with. Not only was the girl making fun of Chrissa, she was making fun of some of Chrissa's friends too.

It touched my heart. No, not the bullying. Chrissa. She was brave for taking on this girl who just wanted to make herself feel better by making others feel worse about themselves. Chrissa even decided that for the class project that the kids did every year to do something with bullying.

Bullying. Something that brings back bad memories from my elementary school days. I wasn't the bullier. I was the victim. My bully was Fawn Parker. She and her friends did not like me at all and to this day, I'm really not sure why they didn't like me. I mean, what's not to like? Joking. One time, I remember at the end of the school day, she and her friends made fun of my backpack (which was really cool I might add; it had light up wheels). It hurt me. My mom told me that they were probably just jealous of me.

That could be it. Then one time on the playing field in gym, Fawn told me I couldn't do anything right. That was harsh and it hurt. I remember at that time, I was going through some sort of class experiment or something with our social worker, who met with a few of us during lunch. I told her about this and I don't remember what we talked about after that, but Fawn was moved out of my class for one reason or another. I don't think it was what I said to the social worker though. But I think the social worker did want to talk to me about it more.

Bullying stinks. It's really sad that kids get bullied. The bullies are either jealous of us, the victims, or are trying to make themselves feel better. I don't get bullied anymore. But it's a memory that has stuck with me and it hurts. I'm sure it could really mess a person up.

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