Sunday, January 4, 2009

Unrealistic expectations

I just finished reading the book Twilight on Thursday. Now before you go and assume just because I'm a teenage girl that I am in love with the book, know that I'm not. It was an ok book, but nothing I'm in love with. I've read better books.

This book is trying to replace Harry Potter it seems. It can't though. Harry Potter is a series of books for everyone while Twilight targets young girls. Take for example, the freshmen girls in my youth group. They are obsessed with Twilight. The author writes like a teenage girl and like I said, I've read better books.

I don't understand it. I don't get why they are so obsessed with the book. Oh wait, I forgot. It's Edward Cullen, the main guy character in the story. Edward Cullen is perfect. He dazzles girls without meaning to, he sparkles in the sun, and he's a vampire.

I'm honestly tired of all this obsession with Edward Cullen. Stephanie Meyer, the author, is corrupting minds. I see right through Edward Cullen. He's not perfect to me. Besides who wants a perfect person? I hate Stephanie Meyer for corrupting the minds of these young teenage girls. It's giving girls a warped view of what guys really look like.

No person is perfect. Edward Cullen is fictional. People get your minds out of that book and learn to live in reality. Your boyfriend is not a vampire and he's not perfect. I once saw this quote somewhere:

"Love isn't finding a perfect person; it's seeing an imperfect person, perfectly."

No one is perfect as I've said, but it doesn't mean that we can't see people we like perfectly. They still have flaws, but they fit your mold. We all have a certain mold we stick to. There are certain people in our lives that we're attracted to. We might look at a friend and wonder how they could ever think a person they think is attractive is attractive when you don't feel the same way. It's just that, that person doesn't fit your mold.

No one is in love with Edward Cullen. Those who think they are, are probably in fact infatuated with him. I don't get why girls are so in love with him or the books period. Edward Cullen could never exist. No one is that perfect. God is the perfect One. Besides I don't think it's worth it to be in so called "love" with a fictional character.

I laughed at the book every time there was a romantic moment. That's not low self-confidence on my part. I was laughing at how fake it is.

I'm a detail oriented person, so usually it takes me a long time to read books. It only took me a week to read this one. But it really frustrates me when I'm reading and realize a grammatical error that an editor missed or something. That's how much I pay attention to what I'm reading.

I'm tired of the spotlight this book has. We need to give girls something real to read. This fictional garbage is corrupting minds like most the rest of the media does to this generation. This is a generation that needs help entering reality.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Chelsea...I know where you saw that quote...on my myspace. There you go stealing my words again..haha
