Saturday, November 29, 2008

What ifs and Have you evers

I was reading a blog today and saw some what if questions and it made me remember that I have these two books called What If...? and Have You Ever...? They're by Les Christie. I bought them a while ago because I missed them. What do I mean by that?

When I was a little bit younger, but still in youth group, our Sunday school teachers had these books and they always liked to use them after class just for fun discussions before church. There were a few embarrassing instances that happened especially when I asked for a number. There are 450 thought-provoking questions to get teenagers talking, laughing, and thinking. And usually by accident I picked the worst ones. Our Sunday school teachers unfortunately took these books with them when they moved, but I was so excited to find them when I did.

Last time I used these in class, it was when my Sunday school teacher was away and so we had a sub and us girls were doing the lesson. The girls were really excited when they saw these books because they remembered the fun times we had, had with them.

So using a random number generator, I have decided to answer some questions. Hopefully they won't be bad ones.

#164 What if you were color blind?
  • I'm not sure what I would do. It would be different. I love seeing colors. I'm a very colorful person and I'm not sure I could deal with being color blind. But I guess if I were born that way then I wouldn't really know the difference and probably wouldn't care to see color or not.
#220 What if you bent over in a school play and split your pants?
  • I would probably turn beet red and started laughing. I would make a joke of it basically. Reading this question made me laugh.
#302 What if your girlfriend/boyfriend cooked you a meal that you thought was terrible?
  • I would probably say nothing and offer to cook next time. But I wouldn't want to hurt the boy's feelings.
#369 Have you ever dyed your hair? (What color? How did you feel? What did your parents and friends think? Would you do it again?)
  • Do highlights count? I got highlights over the summer for senior pictures. They were just blond highlights. My parents liked it and so did my friends. It took over 2 hours to do though, so if it didn't take that long next time, then perhaps I would do it again. One time though my cousin tried to dye my hair, but it didn't work because she got the color that was basically my hair color, so my parents didn't really notice. Maybe I'll go with pink next time.
#400 Have you ever been in Boy or Girl Scouts? (For how long? How old were you? What did you like best and least about being in this organization?)
  • Yes, I was a Girl Scout and my mom is still the cookie cupboard for Girl Scouts even though I quit in 8th grade. I was a brownie in 2nd grade, but had to quit because we didn't have a leader. Then I got back into it a few years later as a junior scout, I think that one is before the cadet. I quit after becoming a cadet because no one wanted to lead us. I liked the jokes my friends and I made with sand hanitizer and such. I also liked selling cookies at my town's grocery store. I hated camping in tents in October. Who knew it could get so cold that I would have to wear all my clothes, plus my winter coat in my sleeping bag at night to stay warm. Well, I guess that's just Michigan for you.
#348 Have you ever had a concussion? (What happened? How did it feel? Who was with you? What did they do?)
  • I don't think I've ever had a concussion, but one time I was scared that I got one. I was at youth group for the 30 Hour Famine and our youth pastor decided to saran wrap us together to make us walk as a team. Well we walked for a few seconds and then I said was going to fall and I did and everyone else came with me. I hit my head on the floor and it really hurt. I got a headache, but I didn't pass out.
Well this has been so much fun. I think I might do this every once in a while, maybe even a few times a week. I really enjoyed this a lot. And I can't wait to do more!

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