Sunday, February 22, 2009

Rethinking my attitude

I was silly to think that just writing that blog on envy would help me out. I don't think it really has. I didn't go to my brother's showcase thing, but I heard about it. My parents got home and mentioned that I missed a gospel choir. I think I made a few sarcastic comments not really caring. Then this morning my pastor was talking to me about it as we walked into the building.

Now I'm thinking I need an attitude readjustment. I need to rethink how I said some things. I can't take things back that I've said already (learned that with toothpaste), but I can rethink my attitude.

My attitude wasn't that great this morning towards show choir. Actually my attitude hasn't been that nice towards the school choir in a while.

Like getting through this envy problem, readjusting my attitude takes time and patience. Why was I so foolish to think that I could solve my envy problem in a day? Am I crazy or something?

This is something we all need to work on every day. We need to work on truly loving others and celebrate the talents they have. We need to pray about this constantly and admit not only to ourselves, but to God that we're envious.

I'm gonna try to put on a happy face when it comes to show choir and stuff even when I don't want to. I'm gonna try to celebrate my brother's success. There will be some failures (ok probably a lot of failures), but I'm working on it.

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