Monday, April 20, 2009

Are you all alone?

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up! Also, if two lie down together, they will keep warm. But how can one keep warm alone? though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:9-12

Are you all alone?

If you say yes, I'm automatically gonna say that you're wrong. It's not a matter of me being bigger, stronger, or older than you. It's not even a matter of if I'm right and you're wrong. The fact is if you say you're all alone, you're wrong. It's the true matter here.

You're not all alone. But I don't have any friends. But I don't have a church family. But I don't belong to any particular group. But I don't have a family. I feel so unloved.

Excuses. Excuses. Excuses. I bet you have at least one friend. And I bet you won't feel so unloved once you know who that friend is. Your friend is Jesus.

No matter how alone we feel in this world, we need to realize that we do have God and we do have Jesus. But I can't see them.

So? What's your point? Did you ever feel so alone as a child that you made up a friend, an imaginary friend? I think I had an imaginary friend at one time.

But that's not my point. God isn't imaginary. You can't see Him, but look at the earth. I know God exists because of how complex everything is. Look at us. I know some of the theories say we came from single cell organisms or something. We're way more complicated than those organisms. It's absolutely amazing.

Do you ever feel lonely? Boy do I. There's this song that I've been listening to on repeat for a few hours now (what? It's an amazing song) and I think you should check it out. It's called Call Unto Me and it's by Phil Joel.

It's written from God's point of view. Basically God is telling us that everything is going to be ok. We're not in this world all alone. God has a plan for everything, so don't worry so much.

I think we should all follow what Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 says. This was our theme verse yesterday at church. Do you wanna be the one all alone? Or do you wanna have two? I think you do need two to tango.

So if you go to church and think your church family doesn't care about you, think again. All you church people, we need to come together as a team. We can't do the tango by ourselves.

Growing, serving, reaching together as followers of Jesus Christ.

I know I said talked about this yesterday and how it's my church's mission statement, but I absolutely love it. It's really cool and it's really what we need to be accomplishing here.

So are you all alone?

If you say yes, I think you need to go read this blog all over again because I don't think you got the point of it. No matter how alone we feel sometimes, I can guarantee that we're not alone in this world and everything will be ok.


Libby said...



Pastor Bethany said...

Woah, keep in mind people who are feeling all alone need to be shown some love not a lecture...