Friday, June 26, 2009

Extreme Weather

I don't know what you call extreme weather, but we seemed to have been having some very extreme weather lately.

It has been so hot out. Wednesday it was in the 90s. I don't have air conditioning in my house. We have fans, but not air conditioning. I was sweating up a storm doing nothing, but sitting and watching tv. There's something wrong with that situation.

So I jumped in my pool. That was nice until I got out and started sweating again. I mean, come on, I was lying in my bed no blankets over me or anything and I was sweating like crazy. And I wasn't doing anything strenuous.

I was relieved to know that Thursday brought the promise of thunderstorms. I like thunderstorms. I like rain. Rain is nice. It cools things down. So Thursday afternoon (it feels weird saying that since it's like midnight right now as I sit here writing this) it wasn't looking like rain on the doppler radar, but then something changed on it. The rain was headed just over us. Outside, it got darker and darker. You could hear the distant rumble of thunder.

The rain started soft. It was just sprinkling. Then as the thunder got louder, the rain got heavier. After a while, you could see flashes of lightning. It's not the lightning I'm used to either. There were lightning bolts in the sky. I think they were hitting pretty close because every boom of thunder was really loud.

At one point, I was standing by our back door watching the storm. I saw a flash, heard a crack, and then a huge boom of thunder. My mom called to me from the front. We think the lightning hit a light pole or a tree near a light pole because the light on the pole was flickering.

The rain lightened a little bit, but then came the hail. I haven't seen hail for a few years. Watching and listening to it bounce off the metal shelves in our backyard, it sounded almost musical to me. It was pretty cool to watch. It's pretty amazing how that happens and knowing that God created it all.

After the storm had moved on I had to go to church for worship band practice. I was looking forward to getting into the air conditioning even though it was cool for a while after the storm. Unfortunately as I found out down the road from the church, the power was out. The traffic light I usually turn at wasn't on, so that was interesting. Then I got to the church and the flood lights were on and there was this annoying beeping noise letting us know that the power was out. One of the guys wanted to punch it.

I really hope it cools down and stays that way for a while. I can't stand this hot, hot weather. It makes us all cranky and tired. All I seem to want to do is sleep, but I don't seem to stay asleep at night, which really stinks. I get headaches and it's just bad. I wish the weather would cool down.

Isn't it interesting? What's that? Well during the winter time when it is miserably cold out, we wish for summer, but when it's hot, sticky, and humid out during the summer, we wish it were the cold, snowy winter again. I think that's interesting. I almost think we just like to complain. Haha.

I would just prefer to stick with spring or fall frankly. Perfect weather. Not too hot and not too cold. Well in the fall where I live it does get pretty cold, but the spring is usually nice. Of course it does snow once in a while in April.

Gotta love living in Michigan. But at least I can point to where I live on my hand. That's the really cool part of Michigan. That's just an awesome part of God's creation. I love it!

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