Monday, December 1, 2008

U-turn Youth

I drove into our parking lot this morning. There was still snow on the ground from last night. I noticed my vehicle was the second one to make tracks today. The first vehicle hadn't stayed, however. It simply drove into the lot, turned around, and left.
That's not uncommon for us. Because our building is located a short distance from an exit off of I-94, many people use our lot as a turn around.
That may bother some of our congregants, but I haven't heard any. And I kind of like the symbolism.
A place where people can turn their lives around and begin to head in a new direction.
Isn't that one picture of what The Church at its best is meant to be? I think so.
And this is the season for turnarounds. I know many in our culture will look for making changes January 1 with New Year's Resolutions. And that's great.
But on the Christian calendar we are in a time period called Advent. Advent means "a coming or arrival" (Webster's Concise Dictionary).
Advent is the season when we:
1. Remember God in Christ Jesus coming to earth as a little, helpless Baby
2. Anticipate God showing up into our regular, everyday lives
3. Anticipate Christ's return to earth again at the consummation of all things
Long before Jesus was born, the Prophet Isaiah called the people to, "Prepare a pathway for the Lord's coming! Make a straight road for him!" (Isaiah 40:3 NLT)
Isaiah was trying to get people ready for an Advent.
Advent says that while God's arrival into our lives is a gift, there are preparations for us to make.
Advent says that while God is the main character, we have a part to play prior to God's arrival.
One way we play our part is making U-turns.
Or maybe a You-turn.
Of course, it is always easier to see where other people need to turn around, isn't it?
"You can a better parent."
"You should be a more supportive wife."
"You could be a more attentive husband."
"You ought to be a better friend."
But I don't think Advent is about correcting others. Our fixation upon others' faults is what Jesus refers to when he mentions getting the plank out of my own eye before I try to help you get the speck out of yours. Ouch.
No, advent is probably more about I-Turns. (To my knowledge, Apple has not coined the phrase yet. But if they do, would you be my witness that we thought of it first?)
Advent gives me a chance to ask, "What could I do to prepare for God's coming into my life?"
"What might my life look like if God really would show up in a brand new way?"
Think of the choices we have of things we could do to prepare:
- I could read the Christmas story
- I could find music or art that turns my attention to God's activity in the world
- I could seek out ways to help others who are in need
- I could attend a Christmas Eve service with candles or a Children's Pageant
- I could spend a few minutes in silent prayer and meditation
- I could set aside 10 minutes everyday between now and Christmas to anticipate God's arrival into my life and the lives of those I love
I don't want to simply remember Christmases past. I want to anticipate God's coming into our world today and participate in fresh, new things that might be in store for me if I'm simply fully present and open to them.
How 'bout you?
Grace & peace

This was the devotion I got in an email today. While the whole thing was good, I want to focus on the first part. The story about my pastor going to the church this morning.

I liked in particular what he was saying about the symbolism.
A place where people can turn their lives around and begin to head in a new direction.

I've heard that one used before. My dad talks about my pastor saying that all the time. He really likes the idea of it too. I think I read something somewhere or maybe it was my dad talking about how there is a church in my town that doesn't allow U-turns in their parking lot. Doesn't that just make you want to go do donuts in their parking lot? It makes me want to do that.

Ok so it might not make you want to, but what kind of Christians would we be to do that? So exactly, I haven't done that nor will I probably ever, but I thought it was funny to think about.

So tonight I started putting the pieces together once again with this symbolism and youth group. Yes, I've thought about it before, but I never asked my youth pastors if this was the reason. What am I even talking about?

Well when we had our youth pastor/intern/leader people since they started out as interns, our youth group was dubbed as U-turn Youth Ministries.

I guess when we called ourselves that I never really thought about it, but nowadays I think a lot about it. I don't know what we our calling ourselves anymore, but I think U-turn Youth is good. I actually asked one of my old youth pastors about that tonight and she said it was about us turning our lives around and beginning in a new direction. I love that!

It's an awesome thought especially where my church is located. And I really wouldn't mind keeping this name for our youth group. It does make a lot of sense when you think about it. If we call ourselves this, then I think we should really open our arms to other teens who want to turn their lives around and start fresh.

And I probably already mentioned this, but I'll say it again just in case. My pastor said their might be people in the church who disagree with people who do U-turns in the church parking lot, but I think it's absolutely awesome.

A few weeks ago, I waited in the church with our choir director for her husband to come pick her up and a van pulled into the parking lot. We expected it to turn around, but it didn't. They parked and just sat there. We wondered if they were a little late to church or something. So my choir director went out there to find out what was going on. Turns out they had some little kids in the back that were hungry on a long trip and just stopped to make sandwiches. I think that's really cool.

We don't have a fence around our church because we want people to come in. Sure, that means we might get rocks thrown through windows, which did happen earlier this year, but it's just a more welcoming environment. To me having a fence or gate to the church is like having closed arms, but by having an opened area that has no gate, it allows for us to have open arms. It's like saying, "You're welcome here. Come in."

If you want to take a car U-turn in our church's parking lot, go ahead. But if you ever want to take a personal U-turn for your life, we'll always be here for you with open arms.

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